Search results

  1. P

    What the best motivational books? Especially for job hunting etc?

    I kinda feeling so demotivated to look for a proper job suit my qualification. I do search, I did get called for promising jobs. But, I just don't go for many2 silly reasons, that I think I made up on my mind to support my resistance to go work. Right now I am staying home with my parents...
  2. P

    Any healthy recipes for someone who's had a tooth pulled and can't chew?

    the pain from tooth pulled only last for max 3 days. but, there will be small hole where the tooth used to be, should be carefull not to stuck any food in it. so probably go to soupy things. the gum cell should recover in 2 weeks or so.
  3. P

    GPS car or mobile phone with GPS?

    GPS car or mobile phone with GPS. not so into mobile phone. Just used for calling, rarely text and others function. Is the quality GPS on mobile phone is the same as the GPS itself? does it need to connect to internet all the time? Do we had to pay monthly for using the GPS?. i dont know...
  4. P

    GPS car or mobile phone with GPS?

    GPS car or mobile phone with GPS. not so into mobile phone. Just used for calling, rarely text and others function. Is the quality GPS on mobile phone is the same as the GPS itself? does it need to connect to internet all the time? Do we had to pay monthly for using the GPS?. i dont know...