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  1. D

    Isn't it contradictory how some will complain about "getting kicked out...

    ...of the house" while others will...? ...complain about "wanting move out of the house"? Is the latter the same as the other, except the parents called their bluff?
  2. D

    How can one approve of sex education for youths,but then at the same time say a

    youth can be too young for sex? Youths can be 16 and younger? If sex is something that should be done when someone "feels"!they are ready, isn't that a broad scale. Why when people think of say 2 preteen minors having sex, people say it shouldn't be done? Why not, if they are practicing safe sex...
  3. D

    Is s't gay guys say to straight guys video homophobic?

    Sorry I'm having a hard time today determining what is homophobic or not.
  4. D

    What percentage of Religion is BS?

    The part that you don't like. So that would be 100% am I wrong?
  5. D

    If Buddhism is not considered a religion can a public school display the 4 noble...

    ...truths? Why or why not? Since Buddhism is not considered a religion can a teacher at a public school instruct students to learn and memorize them? Then what if those people who say it is not a religion, but merely a philosophy
  6. D

    Atheists, what do you think of Stalin's tactics to get of religion and it's

    influence? Where and when did he go too far? Where and when was his ways acceptable?
  7. D

    Does my freedom of religion only extend to the inside of my home and mind?

    If not why not? What are my religious freedom outside the boundaries of my home?
  8. D

    Gays, do you hate it when a straight female finds out or suspects her spouse is gay

    and wants advice, one...? ...common advice is to "go get tested"? Immediately!!! Is that good advice?
  9. D

    LGBT, is it okay for a coach to say to an auditioning student "everyone in the team

    LGBT, is it okay for a coach to say to an auditioning student "everyone in the team is gay, will that be a...? ...problem for you"? One of my mom's coworker said her daughter called her crying, from her first year of college. She was on a basketball scholarship and the coach asked her just...
  10. D

    If is said drug abuse is a problem in the gay community would you....?

    Call me an idiot homophobe? If so why? If I that incidents of herpes, gonorrhea, and syphilis are on the rise in the gay community would you call me hater? If so why...
  11. D

    Would it be homophobic of me to turn down a man who asked me out if I suspect...

    ...that he is gay and in the closet? If so why? Why not? Would it be insensitive or honest if I told him that was my reason?
  12. D

    Homosexuals, good or bad how did your girlfriend or boyfriend in your last...

    ...straight relationship take it when? .... when you came out of the closet? How long were you dating? How did you break it to them?
  13. D

    Why is it that being gay is not a choice, but being openly gay is an option?

    I am black, I can't decide to be openly black or tell people that my race is none of their business (while keeping them guessing).
  14. D

    What is considered masculine for a gay man?

    How is masculinity define with gay men? Do you like masculine gay men or feminine gay men?
  15. D

    Why is the military now planning post- DADT training if surveys say that

    soldiers don't mind serving with gays? Plus is it necessary to train someone to accept you. With the end of DADT won't that come in time.
  16. D

    Why does the media suddenly give Miley Cyrus good coverage just because she...

    ...smoked some substance through a...? ...bong? Before she was the annoying media attention whore, that people didn't like. She smokes a bong and now she is cool. Is that how people define who is likeable or not now days.
  17. D

    Why can’t Christians accept that their Pagan ancestors were just as devout as them

    Why can't Pagans admit that they forced their religion down people throats for way more years than Christian. Why can't Pagans admit that 1000 of years ago they killed and mistreated those who didn't practiced their beliefs. Christianity is fairly new.
  18. D

    Telling others about Christ?

    Leave her alone, apparently she doesn't want to talk about Christ period.
  19. D

    What is your opinion on tourism ads for Mexico?

    Is a tourism ad for Mexico the same as a tourism ad for Detroit, Mi?