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  1. S

    Belly Fat & Love Handles lol I need Help!?

    Wrap some plastic around your waist (while jogging) or one of those things that you buy at the sporting goods, for wrapping around your waist. It works as insulation, and will heat up that area and make it sweat and burn off the fat. Also.. do sit-ups or do them standing up. (Stand up...
  2. S

    Is my 16 year old (second-cousin) too young to be gay?

    I just met him, and he's Flamboyant with it. I still love him, but it kinda caught me off guard at first. I just wonder how he could actually know he's gay. I think he's TOO YOUNG TO KNOW!
  3. S

    What was the funniest answer you've ever heard to a question on Y!A?

    Van Damme rhymes with "Canned Ham".
  4. S

    Wildlife Quiz- How much do you know about wildlife? Pt.1?

    Greatest American Hero through their butt. It's on their back. I lived to about 203 years. they say eight, but spiderman only has 2 747? a platypus is a WEIRDO ! no one really knows . No it's a leopard. do you mean a 'Pride' ? it's called a pack of lions. they eat fish. I thought you knew that.