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  1. O

    Why do conservatives whine and moan about gas prices - but then when faced with...

    I am begining to think the GOP is self serving!!!!
  2. O

    How come the airlines don't pay the cost of air travel by charging more

    for who ever uses the service? instead taxpayers have to support FFA and the security at air ports. The Corporations get the most benefit from all tax payers paying the bills! The Airlines need to pay the cost of air travel by charging what it costs to operate safely, not tax payers! Just like...
  3. O

    Who needs the link to Rand Paul stating he has a 500 Billion Dollar Spending...

    ...Cut bil to introduce to the floor? Well here it is!!!
  4. O

    How many more days this year are left do the Democrats have to dish out some...

    ...paybacks to the Republicans? Smiley-Choko; I give Paul grass best answer every chance I get, if your answer is still on the board I will give yo best answer instead.
  5. O

    Did you Vote Republican for Nothing besides the c0nservative special interests?

    Did you show up at the polls on November 2nd for nothing? It seems that way. The House Republican Leadership has decided to put Jeff Flake (R-AZ) on the Appropriations Committee and that’s pretty much it. They are sending a signal to the tea party movement that this is all they’ll get!!! lol...
  6. O

    How hypocritical is it for anti-HealthCare GOP Andy Harris whining about waiting...

    On a scale of One to Ten Ten being the most hypocritical I give him a solid BIG TEN!!!
  7. O

    When Republicans get back in after NOV 2nd are they going to start up witch hunts

    again? and waste millions of tax dollars just to make Obama look bad? Can we move forward?? WOW you boys spent 60 million to prove Bill Clinton got a BJ I'm Impressed!! How many more millions are you going to spend to prove...
  8. O

    How do you consummate a gay marriage?

    Even though I am a Democrat, I have often pondered the same thing you are!! lol and I bet we agree that illegal border crossings is a problem costing us hundreds of billions from incarcerating them and birthing their babies!!
  9. O

    Do you remember the Republicans talking INFLATION and Obama is going to take your

    guns? LOL. Did it happen!!!
  10. O

    Do you remember the Republicans talking INFLATION and Obama is going to take your

    guns? LOL. Did it happen!!!
  11. O

    Are you looking forward to the massive tax hikes?

    Yes we need to pay off our defect that Bush Created
  12. O

    Can you speak SPANISH in a Mexican Dialect?

    You better learn fast!!!
  13. O

    So just a break from all the political ranting?

    In the Appalachian Mountains wee call that a Tarpin and yes they can run up and bite your toe and won't let go till sundown even if you cut their head off. and the summers are hotter and the winters are warmer.