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  1. G

    Why do they teach the perverted deviant practice of Homo-sapiosexuality in school?

    You have virgin horses in your yard. Get back to work.
  2. G

    Why is the point argued in this video wrong?

    Who is claiming that it is wrong? It is just a proportional perspective of the US federal budget.
  3. G

    Is bringing illegal immigrants to the table to discuss immigration policy any...

    What about bringing legal immigrants to discuss immigration policy, and bringing over-zealously prosecuted men from age 19/age 15 relationships, to discuss age of consent laws? I.e. bring the people who are hardshipped by the unnecessary strictness of the law, rather than the people who have a...
  4. G

    where can i find the " solutions to introduction to thermal and fluids engineering"?

    At this website: Note: you do need to register to get the solutions. I am not sure if you need to pay or not. You don't need to register to access the Additional Text Content (chapter 15 on gas...
  5. G

    bible prophecy state about end of the word. it's true?

    Yes, every word has an ending. For most words, it is a space. For some words, it is a period, or a transitioning punctuation mark.
  6. G

    If DC current is quickly stopping and starting/pulsating, will a multimeter give an

    The beeping sound is caused by magnetic field variations resulting from the transient current circuit, that propagate to the speaker's buzzer. The reason that your multimeter is "averaging" the current, is that there is inevitably inductance of the wiring. Inductance acts like an "electrical...
  7. G

    If i put a flashlight on the front of an airplane, and took flight, could i

    The entire postulate of Einstein's work is that light always travels at the same speed regardless of the speeds of the source and observer. BOTH to you and to an observer on the ground, the light would travel at the speed of light. Don't be deceived by the naive "adding" of velocities that we...
  8. G

    My cellphone battery has 3 terminals. Positive, Negative, and a third. What

    It is probably a data stream. Phone batteries are continually exchanging information with the phone, to keep track of its age/serial number/capacity/remaining.
  9. G

    What is the relationship between mass and gravitational force of attraction?

    Well...are you talking locally or universally? If locally, we usually use the formula: W = m*g W is the gravitational force acting on the object of interest m is its mass g is the local gravitational field strength, a property of the region of space where it resides (notice that I am avoiding...
  10. G

    Do you think Green technology is important in future?

    "Green technology" is a nickname for technology which hopefully will help humans be environmentally conscious in their actions of using said technology. Being environmentally conscious is a GOOD THING. We have one planet, and we need to use it responsibly. It only has finite resources that it...
  11. G

    How would you go about traveling faster than light?

    Pure impossibility. No known method. Einstein's proof is that it is impossible. Wormholes AREN'T superluminal travel anymore than taking a shortcut while driving on the road is speeding. Locally, nothing is traveling superluminal when using wormholes.
  12. G

    How does the position of polaris appear to change as an observer travels...

    B) the angle of polaris above the northern horizon decreases.
  13. G

    What would the world be like if every homo sapiens ever born would think like a...

    They do think like scientists. Every human being is born with the innate nature to wonder and experiment about the behavior of his/her world. People cease to think like scientists because either their parent's discourage them from doing so, or they have other issues about which to worry. See...
  14. G

    If I were to connect to 12v dc power supplies?

    You will want to connect the power supplies in parallel, such that they both supply 12 volts, they just share the duty of providing half the needed current.
  15. G

    If a photon was introduced to anti matter what would happen?

    Antiphotons don't exist. Matter and antimatter anhilation emits ordinary photons. Antimatter interacts with photons in the same way that equivalent matter interacts with photons.
  16. G

    How fast are we really traveling?

    The most important thing to know about velocity is that it is RELATIVE. There is no such thing as absolute velocity. There is no experiment one can do to confirm being "stationary".
  17. G

    Do natural forces travel faster than light?

    In the modern study of quantum mechanics, no known force is modeled to have its messenger particle travel slower than the speed of light. I don't know who told you that "forces travel faster than light". If they did tell you that "forces act instantaneously", that is nothing more than a...
  18. G

    Light can travel to the earth from a distant star, but sound cannot. Why is this?

    The answer is A. Light propagates via the electromagnetic fields of empty space, rather than actually through a material medium. Sound is a wave in elastic media, and hence requires an actual material medium. AND...yes, the sun DOES make sound. Helioaccoustic models have predicted what the...
  19. G

    Why do DC generators need commutators and not AC?

    It is because of the method in which electricity is most easily generated from mechanical energy. Electrical energy is most easily generated from mechanical energy via a connection between electricity and magnetism called Faraday's law of induction. Faraday's law of induction states that when...