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  1. C

    What do you think about my views on Jesus Christ?

    This video was a complete fucking waste of breath on your part, you provide no substance in any of your arguments. You just bitch about people disobeying commandments. favorite part: "He's a christian so he can't be gay" and the hot chick at the end
  2. C

    Are FBI warnings on Omegle real?

    most likely not. only time will tell.
  3. C

    Good nacho recipes please?

    A bed of tortilla chips rings with sweet potato fries, a hot dog, bacon, red onions, green bell peppers, jalapenos, olives, Anaheim chiles, a burger patty, a weaved bacon blanket, mac n cheese, and then topped off with extra cheese sauce and onion rings with Cheetos to garnish. via This is Why...