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  1. M

    Christians 1 Thessalonians 5:19 What does Christ say?

    to unbelievers?? Why is this important? KJV it says don't quench the Spirit..This is for all man kind and the Spirit is the Holy Spirit. Share why this is important to have the Holy Spirit.
  2. M

    Q Sisters and Brothers in Christ Hebrew 13: 15, this not..?

    one of the most Beautiful verses in the bible and can we share this with each other.."There for by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God,that is the fruit of our lips,giving thanks to His name. But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well...
  3. M

    Why do Christians complain about "political correctness" whenever someone...

    Real, Christian do not have time to complain about such trivial things. Our job for Our Lord is sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the World, and Holidays made by man is not one of His Gospel messages. Who has time in these end time events to sit around and watch Soap Opera's any more? ...
  4. M

    Isn't it kind of proof of Judaism, Christianity and Islam that they all...

    Well there was not an America Yet,and this is where God Gave the 12 Tribes of Jacob{ which God gave him a New Name=Israel} their inheritance of Land,in Canaan and The Only God is, the one I know, is LOVE and Lives It. Gave us a Saviour and Anyone who makes their God into something...
  5. M

    Christians, why are you so trusting to the eyewitness of Christ? Why do you

    It is not the human beings that we are listening to but the Holy Spirit that has come in to Our hearts because we have made this choice in life to give our Life Back to God to direct us in the most Holy, righteous, forgiving, pure,attitude that would be Pleasing to God and, He comes first above...
  6. M

    Christians is Christ lying to us or?

    Does He mean what He says"If you love me,Keep my commandments?" John 14:15, John 14:21, John 15:10, 1 John 3:22, 1 John 5:2,3, Rev. 14:12, Rev. 22:14 and there are a lot more. and in 1 John 5:3 "For this is the Love of God,that we keep His commandments:and His commandments are not grievous."...
  7. M

    Did Jesus Christ die on a cross in an attempt to save sinners; or did He...

    He came to destroy the Power of the Second Death1 Corinthians 15:26 for Man kind by Satan. He came to give us an example in how to Live and He came to give man kind another chance for Salvation through His perfect Life and to bare Our Sins for us,in Our Repentance, so we would be as white as...
  8. M

    What is the interpretation of the very last verse in the prophecy of Isaiah?

    See Mal. 4: 1,3 as I understand this. This is Armageddon--the last battle and the result. The result of the fire will be ash and there is no putting it out till all wicked have been destroyed.
  9. M

    Are you called "Inspector Gadget"?

    Oh dear!!! my kitchen is full of them....I always wondered how Our Ancestors managed in preparing a meal with out them. It must of taken forever to chop anything, grind anything, slice and dices anything. I know I have gone over board...I am having a gadget sale soon...INTERESTED? Now about the...
  10. M

    Brothers and Sisters in Christ, when do you think Jesus will come back?

    If we are still alive---and we might be...and you see the One World order, One Currency World wide, Sunday Civil Law will be enforced, through out the World. Many more disasters and the Freedom of how and where you worship is gone{all Sabbath keepers will not take the mark for they know what it...
  11. M

    Christians how many of you actually know a homosexual man or woman or do you just...

    I am not quite sure of your answer but I know one who is my cousin and i talk to him all the time about God and it is very encouraging to me.No I do not take offence.....and what do you mean on spec?
  12. M

    please someone answer me? can you tell me what are the prophecies for 2012?

    it is not a sure law yet but, if we are allowed to guess..1.The sunday Law 2. One world Currency.3. One World order, Sunday Civil Law comes into effect. Socialistic life style, Disaster come in, to have Marshal Law go into effect. All Freedoms are dictated---and then again nothing of this might...
  13. M

    How many people here are truly interested in learning what the bible

    I am truly interested in learning what Scripture say..and this will go on forever. By doing this we are preparing our self for the New Kingdom and it is a very worthwhile endeavor to seek. If Wisdom of God is what you want!
  14. M

    If you believe that Christ died for your sins, but don't believe in the...

    I think you have to take the whole Bibles teaching and not just pick and choose. We have to put Gods instructions first, always ahead of our own thoughts and desires of being right. I am a born again Christian that Loves every word God has written. I enjoy reading the Bible and learning as much...
  15. M

    Christians: are you warning sinners of impending judgment, and telling them...

    I am so doing my best.....also I want to encourage the believers so, in their trials and pains of suffering, that they will look up to Christ who Loves them so much and be filled with peace. Us unbelievers need an encouraging huge ever so often. We suffer but just in a different way. Seeing sin...
  16. M

    Is there any real prophecy in the bible that passes this test?

    You are Absolutely Right! Prophecy in the Bible was written and then centuries later came true. This is what brought me into the family of God 30 years ago when I went to a Daniel and Revelation Seminar and it just Blew me away. I saw and, I learned about the destination of our Planet in...
  17. M

    Christians: why do you make excuses for your sins through Christ's death?

    GOOD, GOOD QUESTION !! You are Right On in what you are saying....remember there are tares in all Churches and sorry to say, they don't even know that their hearts are evil and not saved. They use Grace as an excuse and this is a NO, NO. All we can do is pray and encourage the ones you see that...
  18. M

    Doesnt It Seem Like The END TIMES PROPHECY Is Here ?

    All of these are the beginning of the Birth Pangs.Matthew 24..Signs of the End of the Age. When they say the word Judea{God is talking a two fold..and is talking about the end also}{Another two fold when the sun will darken, this has happened once and recorded in History etc}{from four...
  19. M

    What is wrong with me & why do I feel like I don't wanna accept Christ or get...

    Believe the second portion you typed and start to read the Bible..Satan is doing a number on your head. Rebuke him in the name of Jesus Christ and he will flee from you. Pray with out ceasing during the day and ask for the Holy Spirit to enter into your heart and give you Faith because you...
  20. M

    will obama EVER say that judaism is one of the great religions that has made major

    Bubbles he does not like the Jews or Christianity{And its beliefs}...That's who we voted in and that is that.....or he was just put in and our vote did not mean a thing. This is the end times dear and nothing is what it seems.Start learning about Revelation and the History of the Reformation and...