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  1. C

    CBS for dish network?

    ok so can anyone tell me the channel number for CBS on dish network, i live in Texas and i heard they are different if you live in a different state but idk. but i just wanted to see if anyone could give me the correct channel number please.
  2. C

    What are your thoughts on Twilight?

    Loved it, hated it? Let me know. ;) Personally, I'm impartial. I thought it was okay-is, but I don't understand the publicity it got... But that's neither here nor there. What I'm interested in are your opions. :-)
  3. C

    What are your thoughts on Twilight?

    Loved it, hated it? Let me know. ;) Personally, I'm impartial. I thought it was okay-is, but I don't understand the publicity it got... But that's neither here nor there. What I'm interested in are your opions. :-)
  4. C

    Are you an Atheist or Christian? Why?

    christian God lives
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    Who can argue intelligently for religion?

    God can through His written word, the bible
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    Does the grace of Christ permit us to sin against the Ten Commandments of God?

    the grace of Christ forgives us WHEN we break His commandments now and in the future
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    Christian or Atheist which am i?

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    why do christains try to push their religion on you?

    the bible is God's word
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    What are the christian views on Creation and Afterlife?

    God created the heavens and the earth we live eternally
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    Do you believe that you can loose your salvation after you accepted Christ into

    no Jesus is the Author and Perfecter of your faith
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    Why do people think atheists only come here to rant and convince others...

    sounds like you can't help but rant and try to convince
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    What's the difference between Judaism and Christianity?

    who the Messiah is
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    Why can't I have a good agument without God or religion thrown in my face?

    then lock yourself in a room with atheists
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    Why doesn't religion ever change the way science does?

    God doesn't change