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  1. W

    Christians: Why would you worship a god that would send your unsaved...

    I've asked this numerous times. Unfortunately the answers vary from "Well, that's their fault. I'll be happy in Heaven with the Lord" or, "Hey, I tried to save him but he wouldn't listen! It was his choice to go to Hell!" And they say Christians are loving.....
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    I want to know how long your motorcycle fairing updated it?

    I want to know how long your motorcycle fairing updated it?Generally where you are buying and replacing it?tell me please.
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    Does religion only survive through fear?

    Pretty much. Been that way for centuries. If Hell didn't work, the threats of torture or execution did.
  4. W

    Atheist people in History VS Christian people in Histroy?

    Hitler wasn't an Atheist. He was a Christian. "By fighting off the Jews, I am doing the Lords work." - Hitler No Atheists have ever killed in the name of Atheism. No Atheists formed a group and said, 'God doesn't exist! Therefore I must kill people!" Christians, however, have killed millions...
  5. W

    Cant Christians just admit Anne Frank is in Hell?

    If you’re a Bible-believing Christian, then the (Jewish) Anne Frank is burning in hell. I don’t get why so many self-professed Christians can’t be honest about their beliefs. If their beliefs are true, Anne Frank is in hell. She was Jewish. She didn’t “accept Christ in her heart.” She’s still...
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    Was Jesus a charismatic but unsophisticated Galilean peasant who wanted to...

    All cult leaders were charismatic. Jesus was also a Jew and practiced Jewish laws. So I'm going to say yes.
  7. W

    Isn't it amusing how some people love to claim that gay people are 'shoving' it

    I know. The excuses made by bigots are amusing. They will try to justify anything. They say the same about other minorities, too, such as Atheists; "Uhh I like, I like, I totally get that they don't believe in Jesus but uh, like, why do they have to talk about it?"
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    Christians, can you disprove my God, Odin?

    Or disprove any Gods or Goddesses at all? @Christian Skeptic, who said Father Odin is made of matter? That "argument" works against any God, including your own. @Warrior ?, Odin promised the end of all Ice Giants. Jesus promised the end of all wicked people. I don't see any Ice Giants, do you...
  9. W

    why wont my torrents download after i pause them for a log period of time?

    it depends on what you're using to download. if you're using uTorrent, then you shouldn't have any prob pausing and resuming. it can be downloaded free, just look up or whatever... i use it and i've got a 12.4 GB torrent that's been downloading on and off for about a week. i pause...
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    blue ray sound not working?

    front speakers work with tv and dvd's but blue ray only works on tv speakers.. Samsun system
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    Around people smoking marijuana-could this fail my medical examination?

    Second-hand thc is not very strong or potent, but depending on the density and frequency of your exposure, you may be at risk for a failure. The odds are good if you were in a room where other people were smoking that you will be ok but the chance is always there. It depends on lots of things...
  12. W

    Pocket PC/handheld suggestions needed?

    Looking for something similar to Ipod touch,but cheaper, don't really need a phone unless it's a pay as you go. Would like to have wifi, a decent selection of apps available and either a full keypad or touchscreen. Doesn't need music capabilities. Thanks
  13. W

    13'' shock absorbers for Harley bagger?

    Can anyone recommend a decent HYDRAULIC shock absorber for a 2001 Electra Glide? I would like to keep it under $200 for the pair.