Search results

  1. M

    Good places to hike around Denver, Colorado?

    Jeffco Open Space has a wealth of hiking trails from easy to strenuous. A couple of my favorites are White Ranch and Mount Falcon Park Another favorite of mine is Roxborough State Park, again with a wide variety of trails...
  2. M

    Jaskster whining about kennel?

    I suspect the person who guessed that a question was posted about her kennel was correct. THat sight had so many red flags it was scary. She had about 10 females, oldest one was 7 and several didn't look any more like a purebred rottie than I do.
  3. M

    Where are some good places to Snowmobile in Colorado, if you don't own any.?

    Wyoming is nice. Or rather than a couch potato activity, why not rent cross country skis or snowshoes and really experience the out-of-doors rather than noise and fumes.
  4. M

    Dog and People Friendly Cake Recipe?

    Sugar and salt are not ingredients that dogs can have, so any treats for the dog are going to be unpalatable to the human guests. Make the dogs some peanut butter-oatmeal dog biscuits flavored with beef or chicken broth, and bake a cake for the human guests,
  5. M

    how to introduce a over protect dog to a new dog?

    If you get her spayed, she will perhaps be less protective. Certainly worth a try.
  6. M

    who was the lady who sold t-cup Chihuahua at the 321 flamarket?

    Thank your lucky stars they no longer allow selling of puppies there and that you avoided buying a poorly bred, over priced sickly puppy from a dirtbag, scumball, dishonest lying sack of horse poo backyard breeder. There is no such thing as a T-cup Chihuahua. Most of them turn out to be larger...
  7. M

    What's the hiking like in colorado in mid february?

    The weather is totally unpredictable as others have said. While it is doubtful that you will find many clear dry trails, it could happen. You have several choices. Be sure to wear high-top heavy winter hiking boots with warm socks and just hike through the snow. Wear gators to keep the snow out...
  8. M

    7 Week Old Puppies Whining In Crate?

    They are too young to be away from their mother (8 - 10 weeks is much better) and being stuck in a little box is scary. It is too late to suggest that getting two puppies at the same time is never a good idea. They bond with each other, play with each other and pay little attention to you. Plus...
  9. M

    What are the guys who walk down the street ringing a bell doing?

    They were selling something or offering a service such as knife sharpening. We have a little man who plays a flute and sharpens knives and scissors. Then you hear the flute, you gather all your knives and run out and ask him to come to your house.
  10. M

    I heard a rumor that hose who believe in the tooth fairy commonly grow up to...

    You really need to listen to something other than Faux News.
  11. M

    What are the most important things to think about or ask when picking up

    Do you have a written health guarantee against inherited diseases for life and against anything for 3 months? Is the puppy at least 10 weeks old and has it had it's shots? Do you have a shot record I can give my Vet? Will you take the puppy or dog back if I am unable to keep it? Have the...
  12. M

    What is another name for a mother dog?

    Mom dog????
  13. M

    how can i teach a cat to hunt and kill his own food?

    It is cruel to underfeed your cat. Cats were predators hundreds of years ago. They are now domesticated. Some cats still have the predatory instincts, others don't. Unless you live on a farm and need a barn cat - in which case you still need to feed him the normal amount - please find a...
  14. M

    If Avocados are bad for dogs, why is a high end dog food called Avoderm? Made...

    I have fed Avoderm dog and cat food for years, and I asked the company rep that very question. He said that avocado peels and seeds are bad for dogs, not the meat. Both my dogs and cats have thrived on Avoderm and I recommend it highly.