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    Christian Creation Stories HELP!!!?

    Do you mean THE Creation ACCOUNT? There are not two Creation stories, there is ONE Creation ACCOUNT. The person who gave you this assignment doesn't even understand this, if that is what they asked. Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 describe the SAME event, Genesis 2 just provides more detail of some...
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    Will the anti-Christ be an Atheist or the worshipper of Satan....?

    The anti-Christ will be entirely human, until he suffers the mortal head wound. After that point, Satan controls him.
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    Christians, do any of you listen to anti-Christian music?

    Intentionally, not any more. I purged that stuff from my personal life. I can't do anything about the junk piped through the satelite system at my workplace.
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    did you know hitler was a christian?

    So, do you believe him? What actions did he perform which validated a Christian lifestyle? Hitler lied.
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    I thought you christian types frowned on 'magic'?

    Who said Mormons were Christian?
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    I need a Christian's point of view please!! important question sorta?

    Yes, because there is willful rebellion involved. From God's point of view, rebellion is as bad as witchcraft. "Choose not to obey" is the very definition of rebellion.
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    For People with Some Knowledge Concering Judaism.?

    As a Christian, don't you know that Jesus said "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6) A Christian Jew is a Messianic Jew. A Jew without Christ has no assurrance, but God will judge them. A Muslim does not serve the same God as the...
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    1st is adam and eve who was created by jesus christ and he who was created

    Jesus was not created. God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are not part of nature and do not abide by natural laws; the rules of science do not apply to them. God always existed, and always will. God is not made of matter, the scriptures say He is Spirit, and abides in the Spirit. The...
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    Do you believe all things work for the good to those that are in Christ and...

    Yes, for those who are "in Christ" even the bad things which happen to us can be used as a testimony. There is no hope for those who have rejected Christ. There is only the potential to repent and regain hope through Christ.
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    Has it ever occured to anyone that gay people might actually 'LOVE' each other?

    Love does not justify the sin, so what is your point? It is a forbidden love.
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    Do you think Barack Obama is the Anti christ......he has six letters in his

    No, he is not of Assyrian heritage.
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    Bible believers, why do you keep referring to Ezekiel's prophecy about Tyre...

    From the context of Ezekiel 26, it does not say that nebuchadnezzar would DESTROY Tyre, but rather he would slay men, women, and children; knowck down the towers, silence their "harps," and so on. Ez. 26 also says that "many nations" would come against Tyre. Reading the history of Tyre in...
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    Bible believers, why do you keep referring to Ezekiel's prophecy about Tyre...

    From the context of Ezekiel 26, it does not say that nebuchadnezzar would DESTROY Tyre, but rather he would slay men, women, and children; knowck down the towers, silence their "harps," and so on. Ez. 26 also says that "many nations" would come against Tyre. Reading the history of Tyre in...