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  1. M

    Cons: Is the movie Brokeback Mountain part of your DVD collection?

    And what is this question suppose to prove other than provoke? How about a question with some real substance?
  2. M

    Why don't Democrats complain about the Patriot Act any more?

    He extended it, that's why. It was only wrong when it was republicans who did it. And oh what a bunch of crying whining tantrum throwers they were too! Yet not only has the Patriot Act been extended the last I heard we now have drones!! Drones that can spy and kill without a trial.
  3. M

    Obama bows to the Saudi King at the G20 meeting?

    This was on CNN and it's made a lot of people really mad, what was his point as no one else did it.
  4. M

    Is Nancy Pelosi's Salt Marsh Harvest mouse worth our grandchilden's future?

    This is in the stimulus package along with things like Urban Canals and science with money to be spent as needed. These people voted for this bill without even reading the thousand plus pages. Obama promised transparency in this but instead of 5 days to read it they were given 2. How will we...