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  1. S

    What religions strive for a unified world government/law system?

    The Baha'i Faith certainly does.
  2. S

    O me o my o dear! If the Religious Right renames themselves, however will we...

    Too late - they've been known as the "Religious Right" for more than 40 years. They won't succeed in changing that.
  3. S

    "Religion is considered by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by

    "Religion is considered by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful"; thoughts? It's famous quote by Seneca. Just wanted to know what you personally think of his words :]
  4. S

    Do you think Freedom From Religion President Dan Barker is a beacon for...

    ...Evangelicals to accept Atheism? :)? I read this news article about his biography and found it to be so interesting! An Evangelical Christian preacher turned atheist leader who is publishing a book...
  5. S

    What religion were the Fascist mass-murderers Hitler, Franco, Mussolini,

    Pinochet, Antonescu, and Jozef Tiso? I just wanted to note that more than 100 million people died at the hands of these extremists! (Please STAR this question!)
  6. S

    A serious question for people who converted from one religion to another?

    (Please STAR so others can see this question!) Oh, and I'm Atheist now, in case you were wondering I was wondering, after you convert to a different faith, how do you see the deity of your previous faith? What do you think of those god(s)? I was raised Muslim, but many years ago I once...
  7. S

    What did the Quran say about those who never came in contact with religion?

    It is part of the justice of Allaah that He does not punish any people until He has first sent a warning to them and unless there is evidence against them. Allaah does not treat anybody unfairly. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “… And We never punish until We have sent a Messenger...
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    What did the Quran say about those who never came in contact with religion?

    It is part of the justice of Allaah that He does not punish any people until He has first sent a warning to them and unless there is evidence against them. Allaah does not treat anybody unfairly. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “… And We never punish until We have sent a Messenger...
  9. S

    Is a Conservative basically a Liberal going through a Mid-Life Crisis?

    Earlier I thought of Winston Churchill's famous quote: "If by age 20 you're not a liberal, you have no heart. If by age 40 you're not a conservative, you have no head." I sort of took exception to that!
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    Does organized religion exist because of a human weakness?

    "Religion - the opiate of the masses." Religion is meant for emotionally weak people who are too sensitive.
  11. S

    Didja know that Access Hollywood said that the average American woman is 5 foot 4

    and 164 pounds? That makes me (a guy) ... 6 inches taller and 6 pounds skinnier than the average American woman! :D
  12. S

    Which religion matches my beliefs?

    The Baha'i Faith and Unitarian Universalism can help you there :)
  13. S

    Do you think theistic religions are for emotionally weak and overly sensitive...

    ...people? :)? I do :)
  14. S

    Are Christians deliberately condescending when they say "Don't believe in...

    ...religion, just believe in Christ!"? I mean, who came up with that BS?! So you're telling me, if I directly asked you "Are you a Christian?" you're going to say no? And on Census forms and questionnaires, if there's a box for Christian, you're not going to check that box off? Why do you...
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    religion is responsible for most of the hatred in the world?

  16. S

    Why do Christians whine about us Atheists not leaving them alone? Isn't that... slaveholders whining...? that abolitionists won't leave them and their way of life alone?