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  1. P

    FIFA QUIZ : Just answer with Yes and No?

    1.yes 2.yes 4.yes 6.yes 7.50/50 8. no
  2. P

    MLS all star game predictions?

    MLS All Stars 3 Man U 1 Goals by Giggs, Le Toux, Buddle, and GBS Yankees: Donovan probably will not play, and Howard plays for Everton.
  3. P

    MLS transfer rumors update WHO WHAT WHY?

    I will through some names out that have been rumored you tell me what you think and where you want him to go Lunjdburg- on his way out of Seattle Bravo Marquez Matterazi BQ: how about seattle signing that Uruguayan international: Yea or Nay BQ2: Ronadldinho to LA, good or bad? BQ2.5...
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    Final Four predictions: 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th place?

    Uruguay Spain Germany Netherlands
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    What is the funniest movie?

    the movie that no matter what mood your in you just crack up laughing
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    Isn't Wayne Rooney the biggest joke in the world?

    he is the best striker best number 10 best goalscorer best player I have ever seen he should be king of England
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    Soccer: Why American team is not really well known?

    Soccer is growing in America mainly do to the MLS growing. More cities are getting teams so all of a sudden all the soccer fans are coming out of the wood works. Just last week me an about 2,000 others went to city hall philly to see the unveiling of the new team that will play next year...
  8. P

    What phone should I get?? Palm centro vs. samsung eternity vs. iphone ?

    Eaither the New Iphone or the Samsung Eternity because the Centro is brand new an they yet to work out all the kinks. PS i have the new IPhone and love it