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  1. K

    "Grown-Up Mac and Cheese" by Rachel Ray?

    I was watching 30 Minute Meals with Rachel Ray one night and she made chicken tenders and mac and cheese. I can't find the recipe anywhere, and I looked all through Food Network's website. I just can't find it! I know there was guerre cheese in the mac and cheese and it was topped with bacon...
  2. K

    What is the wierdest thing your baby moniters have picked up?

    hahah my sister has two babies, a newborn and an almost three year old. We've heard everything form phone conversations to radio stations even. One time, we could use them as two-way walkie talkies. haha
  3. K

    Soda Pop Top Trade in?

    So, I heard that you can take pop tops from like soda cans somewhere and get money for it. Is that true, and if so, where can i take them? thanks