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  1. T

    Atheists: Do you cry, laugh, hope, dream... do all this stuff that makes us human?

    Why don't you talk about that right now?
  2. T

    If Christ jumped you at a bar and pulled a gun on you, would you acknowledge him...

    Not necessarily. First, I'd ask him what he wants. It's always better to ask people who pull guns on you what they want. Especially if they have trouble expressing themselves. Make yourself appear non-threatening as you ask.
  3. T

    Should the Popes do a world tour?

    John Paul II did something pretty close. First, he'll want to settle in Rome. All of Latin America is absolutely ecstatic right now. Those (and that's far from a minority) who are fervent Catholics, anyway. He looks like he's in good health. Maybe he'll try to do that one again: travel...
  4. T

    What have conservatives done about social problems except rant and rave about them?

    Fix them? They don't want to fix them. Their entire plan revolved around corporate slavery for the masses.
  5. T

    If church and state are separate, how can homos have the right to marry when...

    Yes and I'm not aware of any legislation, anywhere, which forces Churches to celebrate or recognize these marriages.
  6. T

    Is the marketplace we live in worth the loss of the fish in the seas and the...

    No, it isn't. At least if it was about feeding people... but it's about bling... That's what I find particularly disheartening.
  7. T

    Do you think Bill O'Reilly does a good job defending the Christian faith?

    Bill O'Reilly is an actual journalist. Which is more than I can say about the rest of the gang. Bill is kind of O.K. Except that video shows being a hothead will serve you in those circles.
  8. T

    Cons: Is the movie Brokeback Mountain part of your DVD collection?

    It's a good movie. You don't have to be gay to get it.
  9. T

    Is it realistic that a Critical Mass skunk plant can give 1500-1800 grams

    ?I was going to post this in the right section...? ?But I got high, but I got high, but I got high...?
  10. T

    Do you feel discussing marriage with someone right off the bat is too forward?

    It may spook some people off... but I think it's honest. You're telling them what you're really looking for in a relationship... Now proposing on a second date... that's crazy... Just telling them you're interested in marriage and long term commitment... no. That's what you want.
  11. T

    I'm starting to get Scooterpoop's sense of humor. Have I been here too long?

    No really... I thumbed him up twice today. I thought he got some good shots in. Scooterpoop: How! Burn! Scooterpoop: How! Burn!
  12. T

    I don't believe in God but I like Jesus, many Christians don't seem to care...

    ...what Jesus had to say...? that weird? I think Jesus' basic message is an excellent one. I just don't happen to believe in some overseeing authority over the Universe. Many Christians are adamant God exists and judges the world. From their words and actions, I can't help but feel what...
  13. T

    Atheists why do you spend so much of your valuable time on arguing and...

    Personally, I don't. I actually don't care if such a being exists or not. (Count me in as an apatheist) Besides, I'm not even sure what such a being would even be like. It's nothing I know of from my personal experience and I know traditional religion is either too mystical to answer, or else...
  14. T

    What is Islam's view of neanderthals and homo erectus erectus?

    Islam has no official theory about either of these things.
  15. T

    What if we didn't care for shiny stuff at all, or gadgets that go beep?

    And we didn't care to give praise to the people who could bring it to us? Wouldn't we be an entirelly different animal then?
  16. T

    Shouldn't anyone who marvels at ancient prophecies consider the wonders of the

    machine gun? The Bible is 1 600 pages long. The Koran is about 300 pages long. Some of this stuff is true and people are amazed. Consider the machine gun. (Literary style fully intended).
  17. T

    Is Howard Camping a nutcase because he now says his prediction was out by 5...

    He's a politician if I've ever seen one. Now he says the original prediction has happened - it wasn't quite as spectacular as expected, but judgement has arrived. We've all been judged. October is the confirmation date, which he had already mentioned before, in passing, as the day we poor saps...