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  1. L

    How do you feel when you look up to someone like a movie star and then find out

    You mean like Tom Cruise? Sad. Very, very sad. He was my Top Gun. I could cry, that's how sad that makes me feel.
  2. L

    Christians, does it bother you to know that I can kíll ten women today and...

    But you won't and it isn't because you're afraid of divine retribution. I'm guessing you wouldn't be able to live with yourself if you did that (unless you are mentally deranged). As for the parenthetical part, I'm guessing you're not.
  3. L

    If Christ jumped you at a bar and pulled a gun on you, would you acknowledge him...

    That depends on whether or not I decide to tell him he's pointing the gun the wrong way.
  4. L

    If Jesus Christ never rose from the dead why do people still talk about Him

    Old books. You ever heard of Circe or Cyclops? From Homer's Odyssey? Written long before the Bible was cobbled together. A lot more fun to read, too. A woman that can turn men into pigs and a one-eyed giant. People will talk about any old stuff. Most things worth talking about, aren't...
  5. L

    Christians: What would you think of atheists if they gathered once every

    I like that -- "it gives me comfort that there's no god." "No hell below us, above us only sky." -- yet another atheist chant. Imagine that!
  6. L

    If atheists think Judaism is what religion should be, why do atheists still eat pork?

    That question should be taken out behind the barn and shot so as to put it out of its misery. Just because I appreciate the fact that Jews don't proselytize doesn't mean I wanna play the dreidel game for Hannukah. That logic is so bent it has to look down to see up.
  7. L

    What is the most popular religion in your trailer park?

    I own my own home. In my neighborhood the most popular religion is probably Shinto. Who told you that only Southern Baptists will get to go to heaven? Let me guess: Southern Baptists. Final answer. Boy, I'm good.
  8. L

    My penis size inspired me to find Christ?

    Yes. It inspired me to find Viagra. Praise the rod.
  9. L

    Is there like a Bat Conclave where the Pope hides all his Pope gadgets?

    Sure, that's where the Popemobile is parked.
  10. L

    How did Jesus Christ, come by... ?

    Answer to both questions is by his father.
  11. L

    Fellow religiously concerned Homo sapiens, read any good books lately (besides the...

    Ok, I'll check it out. Not too long ago I read Pillars of the Earth, by Ken Follet. It taught me everything I ever wanted to learn about the Church, and then some.
  12. L

    I came to this section to read some questions and answers because i was

    Yeah, right, sure you were interested in athe"ism". You're a liar and full of it, troll. There is no such thing as atheism. Just like there is no such thing as aphilatelism.
  13. L

    Again, why are atheist on this site, & why does yahoo let them rant profanity most...

    The homonym is your friend. Over-generalizations suck and they do have pills these days for paranoia. Rant profanity? Oh puhleeze.
  14. L

    When Christ said "Father forgive them for they know not what they do"?

    No. If by "them" Jesus meant those doing the crucifying or those responsible for it, they were not forgiven. I don't know what you mean by "foolishness".
  15. L

    Atheists, what do you think of Stalin's tactics to get of religion and it's

    Stalin was a creep of the first water. His mama went too far when she squirted his protoplasm into existence. His views on religion aren't worth a hill of beans. He could dress as the pope or the devil himself. What difference would that make?
  16. L

    I am interested in Zen koans. Do you have any good ones?

    Ok, what is the sound of one hand clapping, can we skip that one please?
  17. L

    What do you think happened to Jesus Christ's circumcised foreskin?

    It flew to heaven on a team of fire breathing winged horses where 72 virgins awaited its arrival with rapturous trepidation.
  18. L

    Atheists, in the near future if a technology existed to completely replicate

    This is a very interesting question. My own bias is that science would be correct and that you would be you without any loss of so-called "soul". You have also offered immortality. If such science in your hypothetical ever came to be, I am one hundred percent certain that would be the end of...
  19. L

    How do you picture the Christian god to look?

    Scowling bearded white man about 65 years of age.