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  1. G

    Are Earrings Sinful, Christian question?

    No, it talks about people wearing earrings all the time in the Bible. Christians should not call out other Christians on stupid things like that, they should focus on much more important issues and no one has any right to say who's a Christian and who's not.
  2. G

    Survey: What Internet Browser are you using now?

    internet explorer.
  3. G

    If it were not for US would there be any hope for peace in the world?

    I love my country...don't get me wrong, but don't put us on a pedestal. There will probably never be peace because there is too much hate. I'd love to hope, but you must be realistic.
  4. G

    Is there really celebrities on Yahoo Answers?

    celebs are real people too. they do the same stuff we do.