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  1. G

    Giant STP SS or NS Capital for Street Mountain Stunt Bike?

    should i get the Giant STP SS or NS Capital for a street mountain bike for doing stunts?
  2. G

    do street mountain bikes for doing stunts use 24" or 26" wheels?

    Also, can a frame which initially has 26" wheels fit 24" wheels?
  3. G

    Are street mountain bikes for doing stunts supposed to have rigid forks or...

    ...suspensions? Also, if suspensions, how much travel should there be? and any recommendations?
  4. G

    Is the '09 Haro Thread 1 a good stunt bike?

    is the 2009 haro thread 1 a good bike for doing stunts? (not dirtjumps) such as the 180, and more or less freestyle tricks that bmxes do. Also, if it is a good bike for such stunts, are there any upgrades i can do to improve it? (maybe the fork isnt that great for such stunts? or how to reduce...
  5. G

    Is the '09 Haro Thread 1 a good stunt bike?

    is the 2009 haro thread 1 a good bike for doing stunts? (not dirtjumps) such as the 180, and more or less freestyle tricks that bmxes do. Also, if it is a good bike for such stunts, are there any upgrades i can do to improve it? (maybe the fork isnt that great for such stunts? or how to reduce...
  6. G

    mountain bike for stunts?

    do you guys have any mountain bikes to recommend for doing stunts, as in what a bmx does? im looking for a street mountain bike that is capable of doing stunts such as 180s, bunnyhops, etc. Also, what are the specs for such street mountain bikes? (e.g chainstay, fork type/length, etc) and any...
  7. G

    Haro Or KHS for DJ/UA bike?

    im thinking of getting a DJ/UA bike, and im trying to decide on either the '09 Haro Steel Reserve 1, or something from KHS, any suggestions? or maybe another good brand? thanks(:
  8. G

    are single speed or multi speed DJ bikes better?

    i was thinking of getting a DJ bike, such as the Haro Thread One or Thread Eight, those two bikes are exactly the same, with the only difference being that the Thread Eight has multiple gears/speeds. So i was wondering if single or multi speed would be better, seeing that single speed is...
  9. G

    is converting a single speed bike to multi speed a good idea?

    i'm thinking of buying a Haro Thread One, which is a single-speed DJ bike, and i was just wondering if it would be alright to convert it to multi speed in future, i mean, if i wanted to. Also, are there any disadvantages to converting a single speed to multi speed? As in, will the performance be...