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  1. S

    What happened to people when they died BEFORE Christianity/Judaism/Islam...

    . It's always been the same. WHERE ARE THE DEAD? Genesis 3:19 Psalms 146:4 Ecclesiastes 3:19,20 Ecclesiastes 9:5,6,10 ......................................… THEN WHAT? Revelation 20:13,14 Revelation 21:1 ......................................… AFTER THAT? Psalms 37:9,11,29. Proverbs...
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    What if Judaism, Christianity, etc is just a hallucination taken seriously?

    . ...and you certainly can't be very mentally stable when you have been toking on weed. .
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    JW's ? Was Jesus Christ with the Father,?

    . When God said; "Let us make man in our image." It was Jesus to whom he spoke. Jesus was God's first creation. Both the following are speaking of Jesus. Colossians 1:15 ... "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation." Revelation 3:14. .."... The Amen, the...
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    When our kids and grandkids are fiddling around with their cybernetic...

    . Well, I've checked out the rest of Y/A, but the typing speed doesn't seem to have improved much. I do blame the fact that I have the worst keyboard every invented for that though. (Cheap crap made in China. Shame on Dell for including such crap with their computers!) .
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    What does God think of humor? What does the Bible have to say about humor?

    . Laughter is medically proven to be good for you. All goodness comes from God! See how logical that is! .
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    Monotheistic religions that don't use fear as condition for believing in God?

    . Yes. REGARDING "HELL". What do think Hell really is? Old Testament (Hebrew) - Sheol is just the grave. New Testament (Greek) - Hades is just the grave. Hell is just the grave. If you were taught that it is an eternal burning fire, stoked by Satan, please realize that the Bible says...
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    christians? how can I have a personal relationship with God if he is a spirit?

    . You talk to him just as you would any other being that you wished to have a relaionship with. .
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    What religion are you?

    . Christian Witness of Jehovah for 41 years. .
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    Is anyone else fed up with religion?

    . Most of it............... .
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    End Times Prophecy: Do you believe the Gulf Oil "LEAK" will cause the Oceans

    . If the flow of this oil well is not stopped soon... it will indeed foul ALL the oceans in the world. What then? -- Can we live without the resources from the seas? Since the Bible says: "God will bring to ruin those ruining the earth" something like this could definitely go along with...
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    Does anyone know of a site where people discuss real questions about religion?

    . Sadly, no. If you find one please share it with us. (Maybe one question is 20 on this forum is anywhere close to genuine.) .
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    Jesus Christ(peace be upon him) is a Muslim, i have proof from Bible?

    . You are right about one thing. Jesus never claimed divinity. He always credited his Father as being God and Creator. But he is more than a prophet as Muslims think. He was the son of God. And he said: "No one comes to the Father except through me". I think sometimes that Muslims...
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    when has arguing ever converted someone to christianity?

    . It is best not to argue about scripture. Bashing people over the head with what we believe is not very attractive. I like the scripture at 1 Peter 3:15. . .
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    Jehovah's Witnesses: How does the spirit of Christ reside in our hearts?

    . . I've been a Witness for 40 years....................and your question makes absolutely no sense to me. If you can claify it, I'll try to answer it. .
  15. S

    Does God have a sense of humor?

    . My goodness, haven't any of the commenter's on here ever seen a litter of puppies at play? There is not much in life, that brings a smile quicker than a litter of five week old puppies! I always think ...... that God must smile, and maybe even laugh, as he watches them. .
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    Why is arguing hard against trinity so important to non-trinitarians if all...

    . Those worshiping God must worship with spirit and TRUTH. John 4:24 .
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    Is Jesus Christ really GoD?

    . I say that Jesus is Jehovah God's faithful and obedient son, whom he sent as a sacrifice for all. Have YOU accepted his sacrifice yet? .
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    How old is old enough to be indoctrinated into a religion?

    . I don't like the word "indoctrination". Children should be taught about all that is good and right from the time they can perceive those things. Preferable, it is done at their Mother's knee. .. .