Search results

  1. E

    Is this healthy to eat.?

    Solid White Albacore in water, 1 can a day, 3 times a week(Monday, Wednesday, Friday). I heard that fish has a lot of mercury, but would only eating 3 cans a week hurt me at all. They are 5 oz. cans.
  2. E

    Best size bike for me(Please Help)?

    I want to buy a bicycle just to tool around town with. I live in a small town, it only stretches about 3 miles from end to end. I want something between the size of a bmx and a mountain bike. I am a 25 year old male, 5'7" 145 lbs, I was looking at a couple of Diamondback bikes with 18" frames...
  3. E

    Exercise Bike - Road Biking?

    Does exercising on an indoor upright bike, at all help when you ride a regular bicycle on the road. I am going to start riding my bicycle to work in the spring, but I have not rode in a while, would using an upright exercise bike be good training for when I start riding to work in a few months...
  4. E

    Truck Driver............................................ .......................?

    I am thinking about becoming a semi-truck driver. Can anyone that is or has been one let me know about the pros and cons of the job. How much would you expect to make just starting out. I am a 25 year old male in Michigan. Thanks.
  5. E

    Being A Truck Driver, EMT or a cop.?

    I am thinking about being either a Semi-truck driver, EMT, Or a Cop. What do you think would be the best job, and why, please list the pros and cons of each.
  6. E

    Best dirt bike for me.?

    I am looking for a dirt bike I can just mess around on, I am not going to race it or do stunts, I don't need some huge powerful bike that I can barely touch the ground when sitting on it. I just want something to tool around my neighborhood on. I am a 26yr old. male, 5'7" 150 lbs. I was thinking...
  7. E

    Street Legal Pocket Bikes?

    Is it possible to make a pocket bike street legal. I live in Michigan, if that helps any. Thanks.