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  1. W

    Why are us Americans always complaining about Military deaths, when our

    Because the religious "rite" think all of their wars are moral. ...
  2. W

    Why are us Americans always complaining about Military deaths, when our...

    Because the religious "rite" think all of their wars are moral. ...
  3. W

    People who support the special AIG tax, how would you react if a future...

    Why should I react? Lawmakers have been against me since birth. Why should the future lawmakers be any different? ...
  4. W

    How has religion influenced your life?

    Religion is bad. It taught me to hate others not like me. Christianity is good. Christ taught me to love everyone. No Dr. Jazz, it is not religion, it is A religion, as in, one of many. I am saying religion in general is bad. Christ is one man who has been misquoted to make horrible things...
  5. W

    Was Lincoln a racist?

    Everyone is to some degree. It's societal. Luckily, we are strong enough to recognize how stupid it is in today's society.
  6. W

    Do you think that Islam commits more terrorism than any other religion?

    I believe all religions have had a group that ruined it for the peaceful ones. Even the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, has had a group kill others for not conforming to some made up belief. It's all about greed and everyone has the same God. We must try to be more peaceful with each other.
  7. W

    Did Lincoln want to start a war?

    You do realize the war was started because southern democrats didn't want to fund the industrial revolution through taxes? It was never about slavery, although, Lincoln despised slavery.
  8. W

    Do I need to boycott everything that folds to gay threats?

    No, be your own person. Quit following the lemmings.
  9. W

    Should marriage be removed from governmental politics?

    Isn't marriage a religious effort, not a government effort? Shouldn't it only exist in the vacuum in which it was created? Does it really belong in government and our tax code? Can you elaborate on how society has a current vested interest in marriage? I agree ks but how does this translate to...