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  1. 8

    Does your team have a lot of band wagoners?

    Mine does (the Falcons). Because the dome is sold out now and it is super loud now. And on here. I see a ton more Falcons fans than I did last year. I'm kinda mad about that. But that's what comes with a overachieving or upstart team like Atlanta. And ever since UGA lost to Florida, Its rare to...
  2. 8

    NFL award predictions! Do you agree or Disagree and give me your predictions?

    MVP: Drew Brees Offensive Player: Adrian Peterson Defensive Player: Julius Peppers (You forgot Rookie of the Year: MATT RYAN) Offensive Rookie: Chris Johnson Defensive Rookie: Keith Rivers Coach of the Year: (I'll give you a couple of choices... it depends... Jeff Fisher, Tony Sparano, Jon...