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  1. A

    I am often entertained by this recurring dream: 0bama is all tarred up and...

    ...covered in white goose feathers? running down the streets of Washington DC while being chased by the people. Could this be some sort of premonition?
  2. A

    Did 0bama lie when he said his wedding ring went for repair yesterday? We...

    ...know that 0bama is a Muslim and he? observes all the Islamic holy days. We also know that the wearing of gold during Eid ul-Fitr is a No-No. Repair? BS! He is a Muslim and those of you who don't believe it are pathetic lemmings.
  3. A

    Why are liberals always ranting about racism but they were unusually silent?

    48% of all Liberals in this country are black and the remaining 52% are white. Basically ALL liberals are the worst racists in America.
  4. A

    Do you think that other Democrats in DC realize that if they are linking...

    ...themselves to Obama that they too? will be identified as a Communist? You know, "birds of a feather" hang together. How many Democrats will be calling on him to visit their districts while running for election this year? Haaaahahahaha
  5. A

    If Martha Coakley is all about the people of MA, why is she in DC meeting with...

    She wants to learn how to spell Massachusetts.
  6. A

    Heard any good right-winged rhetorical rants?

    Nice Liberal rant.
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    i just wondered if the democrats realize, they are arguing with more...

    Independent Conservatives are rapidly becoming a force to be reckoned with.
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    What was our Navy thinking? Are they under orders to sit passively and do nothing?

    ....sleeping on duty or under orders to sit there and do nothing. The Navy had it's chance and blew it. The Merchant Marine Captain no doubt assumed they were being closely watched and would have guns trained on the pirates at all times. He jumped overboard to get away from the lifeboat giving...
  9. A

    What was our Navy thinking? Are they under orders to sit passively and do nothing?

    ....sleeping on duty or under orders to sit there and do nothing. The Navy had it's chance and blew it. The Merchant Marine Captain no doubt assumed they were being closely watched and would have guns trained on the pirates at all times. He jumped overboard to get away from the lifeboat giving...
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    What was our Navy thinking? Are they under orders to sit passively and do nothing?

    ....sleeping on duty or under orders to sit there and do nothing. The Navy had it's chance and blew it. The Merchant Marine Captain no doubt assumed they were being closely watched and would have guns trained on the pirates at all times. He jumped overboard to get away from the lifeboat giving...
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    What was our Navy thinking? Are they under orders to sit passively and do nothing?

    ....sleeping on duty or under orders to sit there and do nothing. The Navy had it's chance and blew it. The Merchant Marine Captain no doubt assumed they were being closely watched and would have guns trained on the pirates at all times. He jumped overboard to get away from the lifeboat giving...
  12. A

    Is Obama too arrogant to realize what a fool he made himself out to be while

    traveling through? Europe? Denigrating a former American President, America and the American people as part of an effort to win over the Europeans. Then suddenly within a day of his departure they are telling him to mind his own business on National French television and there are...
  13. A

    When introduced as "Barrack Hussein Obama" during his tour of Turkey, were

    you Liberals and Democrats in? this forum offended?
  14. A

    Why are Liberals and Democrats pushing the idea of having gays serve 'openly' in...

    ...the Military? Seriously, what is their reasoning behind this? Is this just an "in your face" move against the Military or is there a logical reason for pushing such a proposal? I have spoken to quite a few people and have yet to receive an explanation. I have noted also that most of those...
  15. A

    Why do the Dems scream and yell?

    Chris Dodd has BSed his way around Washington for years. People are finally seeing through his crap. Yesterday he told the same network CNN, that he didn't know how that wording got in there but that he knew he had nothing to do with it. Last night, the others involved would not take the heat...
  16. A

    Are republicans hypocrites complaining about pork and ear marks?

    Why? The Dems have over 60% of them. Get a grip.
  17. A

    Don't you think Mr Hussein Obama would make a great Television Gadget Salesman? I

    know Wall Street obviously? thinks he sucks(stocks drop every time he opens his mouth) but he comes on so strong and compelling with his BS that many of the sheeple buy into it. As most of you already know, the sheeple are the ones who keep the TV gadget industry going. Just a thought but I...
  18. A

    Our new att. general Eric Holder, has made one thing very clear .....?

    Like a good bureaucratic racist that he is, he wants to accuse everyone else of being cowards because they are not interested in the subject of racism. I would dearly love to confront that turd face to face and tell him just exactly what he is.
  19. A

    What 1 or 2 word phrase best summarizes the Obama Birth Certificate Conspiracy...

    I don't think the Supreme Court has seen the last of the Lawsuits coming their way on this matter. They may reject them all but they will have it to do and the American public is becoming more aware with each one. Pretty soon they will have to explain what they are doing on this matter.
  20. A

    Black Person buys iPhone: "living beyond their means", Wall St Yuppie Parties with

    I am a staunch Conservative and I think those turds should go belly up and bankrupt like everyone else must do if their business fails.