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  1. E

    how has religion helped us make sense of the world?

    It has reduced our reliance on evidence and reason. Believing in evidence and reason is great if you want to be a productive and happy human. \ But, with religion, you get to be right, even if you have no idea what is going on in real life. And, you can find fault with anybody who doesn't...
  2. E

    How to stop crying after a dog dies?

    There is no point in stopping your crying! You feel bad. You have a bunch of pain: loss, regret, breaking of emotional attachment, loss of future pleasure with your dog. Be glad you can cry, that you can really feel your emotions. This is what life is about. You may be sad for weeks or...
  3. E

    Why do women value open-mindedness and sense of humor?

    Whether people know this or not, a sense of humor helps a marriage achieve success. And, being open to your partner's opinions, thoughts, and feelings makes your relationship work. When I finally let go of thinking that I was usualkt right, and the my wife's opinions were not as important as...
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    WHen will Obama start doing his elected job and quit worrying and whining...

    When the Republicans stop threatening to filibuster any attempt to fix the economy and the environment.
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    What is the point of having wifi on a Blue ray player?

    Hulu, Netflix, pandora.
  6. E

    please i have always wanted to know what "sense of humor" means?

    You are able to find humor in many situations that other people would miss. Compare this to sense of smell. A person with a good sense of smell can tell if a substance has or hasn't an odor.
  7. E

    What is the Atheist's response to prophecy?

    Fairy tales sometimes come true too. Fiction has that property: write enough of it, and some of it might come true. Add to that liberal interpretations over thousands of years result in multiple opportunities to pretend that a particular fiction has come true. Are fundamentalists opposed to...
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    I smoke 2-3 cigarettes a day, how will this affect me later in life?

    The main harm is how bad you smell. It makes people around you feel sick when you come close after smoking. I can't stand the smell, and most people find it disgusting. It limits your friends to trashy people, since they are the only people who smoke.
  9. E

    So, you know about that Sattelite that is supposed to hit Earth/fall Friday?

    It will break up into pieces, which will land in an area 50 (or was it 500?) miles long. There will be no tsunami.
  10. E

    Why do people still complain about scott cousins and buster posey collision? ?

    I'd say that a player being knocked out of play for a season is a huge deal.
  11. E

    Do you believe you can have premonitions in your dreams?

    Each morning, make a list of premonitions, including time line, and what qualifies as a fulfillment of the premonition. Each week, cross out the premonitions that were not fulfilled according to the definition and time-line. Also make a list of things that you think might happen: your...
  12. E

    Sony turntable to home theater system?

    Yes, you need a preamp.
  13. E

    Today will you consider the great gift that God gave to the world

    Look at the feelings and thoughts you had when you found, cut, and pasted your little essay. What felt good about it? Did you feel self-righteous, or generous? Did you hope to make up for your own behavior that you feel bad about? (Like, if I run a stop sign, I could write an essay about how...
  14. E

    as judaism has such set rules and values as a practising jew is it ever

    There are many reasons an individual might adopt few, some, most, or all of a religion's rules of behavior. And there are a variety or reactions of individuals over time, from chaffing, deepening involvement, to abandonment. There is also the need for a social organization to have a complex...
  15. E

    HEEEELP! About Judaism.?

    Let's assume there is a god. One attitude is that most religions teach paths to feeling, understanding, having a relationship with god. Just as two roads are not identical, they can both lead to the same place. They are not in conflict, they are just different. Thus, to say that Judaism is...
  16. E

    Which is more important to our current political leader: Style or substance?

    Obama has the substance - he knows what's going on, and has good policies to get us going in the right direction. He probably is used to speaking with policy specialists who with whom he is mutually intelligible. However, it seems to be a strain on Obama to remove the nuance and depth when...
  17. E

    Which is more important to our current political leader: Style or substance?

    Obama has the substance - he knows what's going on, and has good policies to get us going in the right direction. He probably is used to speaking with policy specialists who with whom he is mutually intelligible. However, it seems to be a strain on Obama to remove the nuance and depth when...
  18. E

    Why do liberal Hollywood stars who live the most immoral failed lives

    1) Please cite which stars you are referring to. 2) Please cite the proof that their lives are more debauched than the US average citizen. 3) Please cite proof that Hollywood stars who engage in politics are the most immoral. 4) While there are a few shining examples of celebrities getting...
  19. E

    If I were a stupid moron hugging tree's and yelling at people in SUV's which

    You are implying that Obama supporters are unthinking ideologues. Probably some are. But, Obama is one of the most intelligent, articulate and analytical national political figures we have had in a long time. It's not surprising that unintelligent voters exist in both major parties.
  20. E

    If there was undeniable proof that all religions were completely wrong then...

    I thought religion was a matter of faith - so there being proof that religion is right or wrong is irrelevant. Am I mistaken?