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  1. R

    I have to ask, why is it scrawny twerps are what now passes for a "hot...

    ...Hollywood leading man"? You know who I'm talking about, the drug addict from Twilight, Justin Bieber, and any one of those acne cases from various CW network shows that's in desperate need of a haircut. Even as old as he is, I would still pick Clint Eastwood over any of them. Explain it to me...
  2. R

    Why do the normal people in the republican party mingle with the religious...

    ...right/reich? I realize there are some conservatives that are merely fiscal conservatives which I can respect. What I don't get is why they let the christian supremacists be their mouth piece? Isn't that just enabling the behavior? Like buying beer for an alcoholic? dropkick- at least your...
  3. R

    Why do conservative christians whine about liberals and other people not being

    "tolerant" of them? They are the christian supremacists that want to rule the country with the buy-bull. These are the hatemongers that want legalized discrimination and support domestic terrorism against abortion providers. These are the "people" who want their religion in public schools. So...
  4. R

    Why do conservative christians whine about liberals and other people not being

    "tolerant" of them? They are the christian supremacists that want to rule the country with the buy-bull. These are the hatemongers that want legalized discrimination and support domestic terrorism against abortion providers. These are the "people" who want their religion in public schools. So...
  5. R

    Pro-choicers: Are you arguing the scientists and medical experts?

    Source citation please. Oh and mind your own uterus. If you get cancer don't you dare get chemotherapy. That tumor has a right to life.
  6. R

    Comments on similarities between gay rights activists and those who would place

    Those that want the list of ten things their sky daddy doesn't want them to do in courthouses are lying. They do care what people do in their own homes. That's why they want to control what people do in their homes.
  7. R

    Why are Republicans always stereo typed as being against gay marriage?

    For the most part, republicans oppose rights for anyone who is not white, not hetero and not christian.
  8. R

    What gives the liberals a silly idea that gays want to be represented by them?

    You know what happens to gays in a christian theocracy, right?
  9. R

    Why Y/answers donot delete obvious antichristian rants,inspite of reporting?

    YA usually deletes each and every one of my anti christian rants. What are you talking about?
  10. R

    If there's no "change" why are the Republicans complaining?

    They would go through the symptoms of with-drawl if they gave up complaining.
  11. R

    When do you think religion goes too far?

    When there's blue laws, three states with no abortion provider, gay marriage bans, when atheists are unable to run for office in certain states, when non christian school kids are forced to recite "One nation under god" in a public school in what should be a secular government. Sound like a...
  12. R

    Casualties of christianity: Matthew Shepard and Becky Bell? These two people died horrifically because of christian supremacy in the united states. How then, can anyone claim this 'religion' a.k.a. hate group is a good thing? I do not see what is so righteous about gay...
  13. R

    Is it a pr-requisite to be pro-religion to discuss religion or can we all join in?

    I loathe and despise religion, and yet, here I am. EDIT: Super kitteh wants to talk about hate speech eh? Pot meet kettle. We have all seen his hateful posts about gay people.
  14. R

    Why does people complain about the loss of freedom of speech?

    christians don't merely want freedom of speech. They want supremacy and for hate crime laws not to apply to them. EDIT: I'm not calling them supreme. I called them supremacists. Skinheads are white supremacists, who think all other races are beneath them and that they should have more rights...
  15. R

    what do you guys think about the negative influence of religion over society???_?

    I think the christian supremacy movement in the United States is the worlds largest hate group.
  16. R

    O me o my o dear! If the Religious Right renames themselves, however will we...

    Believe me, those creeps aren't fooling anyone.
  17. R

    How has religion influenced your life?

    It's preventing me from attending my sister Jacki's wedding. she cannot get married because of christian supremacists fucking with the constitution
  18. R

    Are 'pro lifers' the first ones to oppose gay people adopting?

    I don't understand that. They want to force people to have kids and always spout 'adoption'. then along comes a nice couple that happens to be gay and they can't adopt because of christian supremacy twisting the constitution. I would be more of a pro lifer if gay people were not discriminated...
  19. R

    If funds were not a problem for you, where would you go on holidays rignt now.?

    Yes I would. I would either go to Australia or Okinawa. Unfortunately, no funds at the moment. I'm from Pennsylvania. I used to live in Okinawa when I was married to a serviceman. I like surfing so I would go where there is a beach and good waves.