Search results

  1. N

    Survey: What are your thoughts on Windows 8?

    Do you like it or do you think it sucks all the balls in China?
  2. N

    Whats the recipe for ICE Pudding?

    ICE, not rice
  3. N

    Have you started your Thanksgiving cooking?

    I'm making pies for an office party. I'm doing the prepwork tonight, so I wont be rushed tomorrow night.
  4. N

    Have you started your Thanksgiving cooking?

    I'm making pies for an office party. I'm doing the prepwork tonight, so I wont be rushed tomorrow night.
  5. N

    Have you started your Thanksgiving cooking?

    I'm making pies for an office party. I'm doing the prepwork tonight, so I wont be rushed tomorrow night.
  6. N

    Have you started your Thanksgiving cooking?

    I'm making pies for an office party. I'm doing the prepwork tonight, so I wont be rushed tomorrow night.
  7. N

    Have you started your Thanksgiving cooking?

    I'm making pies for an office party. I'm doing the prepwork tonight, so I wont be rushed tomorrow night.
  8. N

    Can I still open my Microsoft Works documents with Word?

    If I delete Works from my computer, will I still be able to open old Works documents with Word? I have an HP running Vista, if that helps any. Thanks!
  9. N

    JOKE: What did the farmer say when he lost his tractor?

    Do the Ricky Bobby, Stop, Pose for the frame So... I figure, if your not first your last, ya dig Do the ricky Bobby, stop, Pose for the frame Do the ricky Bobby, stop, Pose for the frame Do the ricky Bobby, stop, Pose for the frame And I dip and we do the same thing Ricky bobby Ricky bobby Ricky...
  10. N

    How much is the lg rumor?

    It was free with a contract, $280 without last I checked. I bought mine off eBay to avoid a new contract, great phone!
  11. N

    Why does no one believe that a user on here could know a celebrity personally?

    Because someone online could EASILY lie about knowing anyone/anything they want to. So, people automatically assume anything cool you say online is a lie. No trust.
  12. N

    Beth for a girl what comes to mind, too old fashioned?

    Beth always reminds me of that one chick from The Real World who kept coming on MTV yearrrrrrrssss after her "prime". Nobody liked her, thus I'm not too fond of the name. Bethany Anne Israel Samantha Elizabeth Israel Beth Sarai Israel Beth Saraya Israel
  13. N

    What would you do if you found out that in the near future, you will be

    I'd feel eternally single - I have no contacts. Should I adopt some cats?
  14. N

    Do you have a Rumor phone?

    Do you like it? Why or why not?
  15. N

    SPRINT Users - Rumor Phone?

    Do you like the Rumor phone? Why / why not?
  16. N

    Can you remember your first internet experience?

    No, but I remember my first at-home internet experience. We had Napster, and I was scared to use it, I was like 14 but I thought 'there's got to be something illegal about this'... I got over it lol.
  17. N

    How do I console my friend whose adoption disrupted?

    She and her husband were adopting two babies from foster care. Relatives came into the picture, and the relatives got the kids. My friend is having a hard time with this, is there anything I can/should do to help her with this? She and her husband have been trying to become parents for a really...