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  1. B

    Lovers of Christ, would you help me get reid of the avatar games?

    oh please please add me. and its spelled B A R R E L B O T T O M you moron
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    Can a Christian still be Jewish if he lives in Israel?

    A Christian is a Christian regardless of where they reside. A Christian is never a Jew and a Jew is never a Christian. The two belief systems are incompatible. Bonus Question. I0 or incredibly desperate. When they suggest that "rabbinical Judaism" somehow isn't valid but their version is, it...
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    What does the number 18 mean in Judaism?

    Chai or life
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    Why doesn't Judaism allow body piercings, organ donation or tattoos but is

    Tattoos and body piercings are were pagan practices done by idol worshipers. All 3 are in a sense considered desecrating the body. After death, the body is supposed to be allowed to decompose and go back to the earth. However organ donation in the reform movement is allowed now as to save a...
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    connection between Judaism and Christianity?

    Read Cindy's answer and ignore the rest. The differences between the two go well beyond the recognition of Jesus as being divine. Judaism doesn't recognize Jesus at all or at least not any differently than any of the other billions of humans that have lived and died over the past few thousand...
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    Does Talmudic Judaism teach morals/values which are contradictory to the Torah?

    In a sense that would be like asking if federal law can contradict the U.S Constitution. The Talmud explains and expands on the Torah. It is not a book of laws unto itself.
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    what are the jewish Unfulfilled prophecies of jesus that claim he is not messiah?

    I am SO a fan of Kevin A.R.T. Best answer by a non jew I have read to date. If you believe that Christ is your God and Savior, Judaism has absolutely no problem with that. If it works for you and you find fulfillment in that belief, we are honestly happy for you. If you want to say that Jesus...
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    A question involving Atheism and Bible predictions?

    Here's a prediction. With your ability for critical thinking coupled with your talent for writing, I predict a career in fast food or retail women's clothing.
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    Judaism was the first great religion to _________?

    really appreciate Chinese food.
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    What prophecies has the bible already fulfilled?

    if you take it out of context and mistranslate a few words from the original meaning, then Isaiah contains prophecies about Jesus's crucifixtion. there are a few others that were written after the event happened.
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    Why would the Christian/Jew/Islam God hate gays?

    God does not hate gays. But the people that do hate gay people really piss him off.
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    What religion were the Fascist mass-murderers Hitler, Franco, Mussolini,

    they were Christian. So were Martin Luther King, John Kennedy, Franklin Roosevelt, Mother Teresa, Winston Churchill, General Patton, George Marshall, Charles De Gaulle, Lech Walesa. So what's your point?
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    Would you say that Judaism is a religion or nationality?

    Judaism is not a nationality. The Jewish people became a nation when Moses took them out of Egypt and they recieved the Law at Sinai. However after losing a number of wars and being dispersed, the Jewish people are no longer a single nation. For the same reason, we are not a ethnicity. We have...
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    Jews please - is it okay to be gay (and proud of it, where you're not gonna

    Oh do not listen to "Sage". He has absolutely no idea what he is talking about. The Tanakh does say some harsh things about homosexuality. It also says that we should stone our children to death if they disobey us. We've grown alot in 3000 years. For most temples and synagogues, your sexual...
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    Can you explain the Kaballah religion that Madonna is in to?

    Give us your money. We will give you a silly red string. You feel better We have more money.