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    How to win against a black belt karate bully?

    I do karate and in my opinion your screwed unless you learn how to use you feet, stretch and aim to kick to his height because he won't be expecting it, I've took out people 4 years older than me in 1 kick to the face, obviously though the best decision is to make peace or tell an adult.
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    Are we still homo sapiens and if yes, when will we evolve?

    No one will ever say that their own generation are no longer human so do you think that in many, many years from now, we may be classified as a new species? How long would you think that it would take for us to evolve?
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    Who is you'r favourite welterweight in UFC apart from GSP? And which one do you...

    ...hate the most? GSP is my favourite but we aint seeing him back in awhile so who is your favourite now apart from GSP?And which one do you hate the most? Im stuck between Condit or Rory MacDonald.
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    Do many people still play mw2 on xbox live?

    Around 75,000-100,000 daily.
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    What websites can I watch UFC fights on? and for live stream first row sports.
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    What playstation series deserved to be titled legendary (ps1 and ps2)?

    I think the: Sly Cooper series Jak and Daxter series Crash Bandicoot series The older Spyro games The first few ratchet & clank games I also think in the future these games will be legendary status: Uncharted inFamous But their just to young ATM... How bout you guys? What ps1 and Ps2 games...
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    Would it be racist to blast "White Christmas" on your car stereo, windows down,

    lol, live life dangerously, go for it , bids on your i-pod.............
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    life is a bad joke because...?

    good jokes are rare
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    what happend after the backordered becaomes 0 for the iphone 4 at&t order.?

    I ordered mine on the 15th of july. today on the 27th the back ordered quantity became 0. Now, how long does it take to be shipped.? what happened in your case?
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    Is this a safe way to speed up torrents?
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    Is this a safe way to speed up torrents?
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    Is this a safe way to speed up torrents?
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    Is this a safe way to speed up torrents?
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    Is this a safe way to speed up torrents?
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    Is this a safe way to speed up torrents?
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    Is this a safe way to speed up torrents?
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    Is this a safe way to speed up torrents?
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    Is this a safe way to speed up torrents?