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  1. N

    Why are Atheists constantly complaining about God?

    Calling him all sorts of nasty immature names.....when He doesn't exist? (this is apart from all the nasty immature things they say to Christians) Doesn't that seem just a bit odd to the casual observer? The lady doth protest too much, methinks - Hamlet Act III scene II
  2. N

    No cheating, can you answer this simple Dinosaur quiz?

    what is known about dinosaurs is that we found bones in the ground.....everything else in conjecture
  3. N

    If Judaism doesn't have an after life, then why does Christianity?

    well you are misinformed there was a sect of jews called the saducees who did not believe in an afterlife, but they were minimal
  4. N

    What is this historical account of Jesus, Christians are akways going on about?

    I am sorry, you will have to first pass, through 3rd grade before we get into that why are you akways asking dipstick questions
  5. N

    Christians: If Evolution isn't true, then the Homo erectus never existed?

    yeah I remember when I was 12 and thought stuff like this was funny
  6. N

    If our ancestors hadn't killed the Neanderthals, how do you envision their religions?

    And what about the 43 other hominids before them Evolution makes no sense whatsoever
  7. N

    Why OH Why do you argue?

    Do we all love the same God? Many here hate him.....and at the same time deny his existance...go figure
  8. N

    Christians: Why do you pick and choose which parts of the bible you want to follow?

    Okay let me introduce you to a concept Old Testament and New Testament We follow the New Testament including when it says homosexuality is sin
  9. N

    Spiritually Speaking If life came equipped with a Ctrl+Alt+Del feature?

    which process would you end? (Govt intrusion into my life would be my choice)
  10. N

    Christians Only. May I commend you on and encourage you to continue in?

    your presence here in R&S? I know dealing with the mental and emotional midgets we face here is mind numbingly tiresome, but we continue to hold up a light, even in the darkest of sewers. Both for the lost and the saved. The REAL enemy..(the puppet master pulling their strings) would like...
  11. N

    Why do church bells ring?

    because they are made of metal.....and have a metal clapper
  12. N

    Is religion the price a species pays when?

    Only the fool rely's on logic the logical man realizes its only one tool in the box, and not good for everything
  13. N

    Would you get in to a time machine and go 500 years into the future and tell the

    people there? that you KNOW evolution and the big bang happened? Imagine the scientist of the pre-Gallileo era doing the same thing and coming and telling you about the earth being the center of the universe and being flat. Should you be so very cocksure that you know what you THINK you...
  14. N

    Christians: I have given up everything?

    Go to church...find a new group of friends in a youth group
  15. N

    Do Christians get the same satisfaction confessing sins to their god as

    Confession is a humbling experience and humility brings grace, and grace brings forgiveness and forgives brings sanctification and sanctification is VERY satisfying
  16. N

    What has religion contributed in the search for answers?

    Most are not looking for answers....if they look...they will find God what they are looking for is excuses
  17. N

    If Judaism spread throughout Europe at the same era and rate Christianity did...?

    Judaism is not spread because the people where chased from their homelands there and had babies
  18. N

    Just a rant, but can't you feel the pain?

    Logic and reasoning aren't the curse stupid reliance on only them is the curse