Search results

  1. M

    Do you like what I've written so far? (please answer)?

    It's a good start, but you need a bit of editing. I noticed a lot of very noticeable spelling/grammar errors. You use the wrong 'there' frequently. Dr.'s office should be Doctor's office. You only abbreviate for a title of a person, not the building. Your character isn't very fluid in the way...
  2. M

    Title of a children's book?

    Harvey Potter's Balloon Farm by Jeradine Nolen? I've never read it, but the description seems to fit what you've said...
  3. M

    Ok. So I was just venting but... What do you think? I am 13 years old.?

    Good for you! That's a mature decision to make for only being 13. My only advice would only be, don't stoop to their level. They can say all the want about you, but at the end of the day, don't become them. The best revenge isn't when you get back or get even, it's when you get ahead. Do your...
  4. M

    The Sims 2: Children do not look like parents & Game Access Code help?

    I just bought the Sims 2 and played a family. I started out one Caucasian woman and one Caucasian man and made them have a baby. Both were blonde, but one had blue eyes and one had green. Anyway, they had twins and the babies were born (again both with blonde hair and one with blue eyes and one...
  5. M

    What is a good Cell Phone plan/Company?

    verizon t-mobile criket ect... a reasonable priced phone and plan
  6. M

    Whos the hottest female model/celeb/ you(show pics)?

    i agree Megan Fox. she's incredibly gorgeous.