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  1. M

    Can I write off snowmobiles on business taxes?

    We are sole proprietors in the construction industry. We partake in snowmobile trips with our builders and clients on a regular basis. Can this justify taking the section 179 deduction on some new sleds? Thanks!
  2. M

    Christians - why, if you're celebrating the birth of Christ do you give one

    How very sad that you do not see the love that is attached to giving presents at Christmas. There is no greed or selfishness in giving. Only those who see a negative in such giving is selfish.
  3. M

    Should I buy a new Honda Civic or a new Mazda 3?

    Both my kids (age 22 and 24) needed new cars. They both bought a Hyundai Sonata. With the $3000 incentive, they bought the base model for $15000. 5 year 60,0000 warranty is the best in the industry. Good reviews. Check it out. Between the Civic and the Mazda 3, I would go Civic.
  4. M

    I need christians to help me or anyone who believes in christ, i'm trying...

    Why are you trying to prove that anybody's beliefs are false. Are you not secure enough in your own beliefs to have the strength to not take notice of others? Who has the truth? Everybody states they have. We don't really know, do we/. You cannot prove that anything is false, just like...
  5. M

    So why do most christian parents hate the INTERNET?

    Because it open up the world to the children. It gives them an opportunity to read what other people believe in. It teaches them about other religions AND atheism. When you belong to ANY religion, your children are not supposed to even think of any other way of thinking, but the religion that...
  6. M

    Is there a herb that will open up blood vessels more?

    I am taking Adalat XL together with my blood pressure pills. They are making me completely exhausted (have looked up side effects) I cannot function properly, just have to lay down. Since taking it my blood pressure has gone down and it does work, however, I am not willing to give up my daily...
  7. M

    Do you know how to pick up any kind of music? ?

    You are going to love this. Type in - The and you can type in any singer, or name of song and it plays it for you. Even Bing Crosby singing "White Christmas". For those of you who love music, my Christmas present to you (if you don't have this info already).
  8. M

    (non mormon interested in a mormon) I feel like he is judging me on my...

    From my own personal experience. A Mormon boy will not be interested in a non-Mormon girl, in a serious relationship way, because their religion means too much to them. His religion will come first with him, and not a relationship with a girl from any other religion. I know - I was born...
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    Gay Marriage: Nudest don't hurt anyone, should that be legal too? Should we

    Shouldn't your moral laws include no judgement of others? What truth are you talking about, why, yours of course. In otherwords, how YOU see things, is the right way and all the other millions of us who completely disagree with your homophobic fears are wrong> What a wonderful Christian way...
  10. M

    where can i find credible sources of information on children raised in Al Qaeda?

    (doing a report)? i'm doing a report on society and how it effects us
  11. M

    Did you research your religion before entering it?

    I researched every religion on this planet. I read, questioned, listened and asked. THAT is why I chose not to belong to any organized religion. For me, I am on the right path. For others they feel that they are on their right path. What is acceptable to one is not acceptable to another...
  12. M

    Atheists/ nonreligious. Why are you more greatly offended by Christianity...

    I am not offended. But let me say, I do shake my head in disbelief, more times at Christianity, than any other religion. All religions have their negative people and also have very positive people but I find that Christians are a huge puzzle to me, probably because I was a Christian most of...
  13. M

    Christians and other religions: what would you think of this woman? Would

    If she is not tied to you at the hip, it is not your business. In fact it is nobody else's business either. We should not judge, investigate, talk about, etc. another person, when it is really none of our business.
  14. M

    What Is Your Dream Vacation(Or Vacations)?

    Renting a very luxurious House Boat, on a beautiful lake, and have all my children and grandchildren with us, for two whole weeks. We have done this, and the houseboat was really huge. When we were returning it to the docks, we saw the new houseboats that they were renting, which were HUGELY...
  15. M

    What Is Your Dream Vacation(Or Vacations)?

    Renting a very luxurious House Boat, on a beautiful lake, and have all my children and grandchildren with us, for two whole weeks. We have done this, and the houseboat was really huge. When we were returning it to the docks, we saw the new houseboats that they were renting, which were HUGELY...