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    I need to pick 1 area of Human Resources that I am interested in presenting..topics?

    I am undecided so I am looking for ideas to present: 1 area of Human Resources Any ideas?
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    Teacher laughs at 8yo with Dyslexia?

    Definitely have a talk with the teacher. If you aren't in the class, you don't know exactly what is going on, just the child's view of what is going on, sometimes in times of stress students have a slightly different view from what is actually happening, especially if they believe they are...
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    What is a good sport-bike to start out with?

    This question gets asked about once a week. Sportbikes are not for inexperienced riders. For a begginer you should start out on a Cruiser, Standard, or Dual Sport. If you check insurance costs with you will find out that full coverage on a sportbike is far more than the three...
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    If god is a spirit, and god is holy, why is the holy spirit only 1/3 of the...

    I am Bi-polar. For which I take medication. Do they make a medication for God since he is Tri-polar. Actually, they don't. But, we are all supposed to study the Bible and go to church regularly to learn how to live with a Tri-polar God.
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    What is it that makes billions of people worldwide feel so strongly about their

    Well, it is because we have evolved from apes and all the stupididty has not been bred out yet.
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    why do people think they know how to ride a bike when they have a year or

    Statistics show what a hazard sportbike riders with less than a year are. I have ridden 25 years and I am still learning. Back when I was new to riding you didn't have to look out for people on cell phones. It has gotten more dangerous to ride.
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    Why do atheists mostly bash Christians online?

    It is more polite than doing it publicly. Atheists outnumber christians.
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    Looking for my first bike need help!?

    Statistics show that riders with dirtbike experience are far less likely to be involved in a street motorcycle accident. Go with the suzuki. Both are very close in performance but the suzuki does it for less money.
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    whats sexier, a woman who owns a harley or a sports bike?

    The sexyest bike out there is the triumph thunderbird.
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    just wondering is a 600cc sport bike good for beginner?

    No. They are a death trap for a beginer. Seriously, there is no nice way to say it. Take a look at the Suzuki s40 Boulivard. It is 652cc. Single cylinder. Has great low to mid power. Just what a beginer needs. The 600cc class has touchy throtles and trickly clutches. Made for raceing...
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    just wondering is a 600cc sport bike good for beginner?

    No. They are a death trap for a beginer. Seriously, there is no nice way to say it. Take a look at the Suzuki s40 Boulivard. It is 652cc. Single cylinder. Has great low to mid power. Just what a beginer needs. The 600cc class has touchy throtles and trickly clutches. Made for raceing...
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    Why are Super Sport race replicas viewed by some as good beginner bikes?

    It used to be the number one cause of death on a motorcycle was caused by a vehicle turning left infront of a motorcycle. Even a skilled rider could not avoid this. Now the number one cause of death on a motorcycle is from a sportbike rider with less than a year experience and no other...
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    Why are Super Sport race replicas viewed by some as good beginner bikes?

    It used to be the number one cause of death on a motorcycle was caused by a vehicle turning left infront of a motorcycle. Even a skilled rider could not avoid this. Now the number one cause of death on a motorcycle is from a sportbike rider with less than a year experience and no other...
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    Difference from driving manual auto and sport bike?

    If you can drive a car with a manual you are pretty close, such as shifting when engine revs and so forth. Differences are clutch is left hand instead of left foot. Shifter is left foot. Instead of putting it in a selected gear it will shift up a gear when you pull up with your foot and shift...
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    Iphone 3G and GPS question?

    On my iphone 3G, I blocked the data from Rogers wireless, and in the phone settings, I disallowed any internet access when there is no wifi connection present. When I'm outside, with no wifi connections nearby, the GPS is working; it can locate where I am, show the maps, and show how I am moving...
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    Using iPhone with Rogers provider during a visit to Europe/middle east..?

    I currently have a 3 year contract with Rogers wireless for the iphone 3g. The data for the iphone is blocked. I will be travelling to europe and the middle east during the summer and I want to kno how I can use it there.... Also, Some places where I will be staying in may have wifi access, I...
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    is zzr600 a good bike for me?

    I recomend a new rider to stick with a cruiser for the first bike. The angle of the front forks and low end power make them better for begginers. Even the 08 ninja 250 in unfriendly to begginers. It produces peak power above 10,000 rpm and has a sharp front fork angle. Makeing skilled...
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    How can I add password-protected file sharing to my website?

    Hi All I was wondering how can I have something like a library (I mean like file sharing directory)in my web site which people just be able to down load those files that they r authorized(They r authorized whenever they got password of the specific file).I may need to purchase a software o a...