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    MMA Layoff Question???

    Hello everyone. I had my first mma fight roughly a month ago. There is going to be another fight night sometime in August, and I was hoping to participate. However, my coach shut down his gym for the summer because it's a slow season for him and he can't make rent. A few of my gym mates may...
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    What program do i need to download so my LG Remarq to play videos?

    Its a phone from Sprint and i need something called HANDLER and i don't know where to get i. Should i download it straight to my phone or computer & put it on the phone?
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    My Car stereo won't turn on?

    Is this stereo stock or aftermarket
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    material to make a brain for assignemnt?

    Plaster of paris coated with silly putty?
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    I have a Seagull Electric-Acoustic guitar. The pick up for some reason does not... all the time. Help? Here's the deal. I went into Guitar Center to get it checked out. Had a professional look at it and when he finally went to plug it into an amp in the store, the sound was perfectly clear with no buzz or anything. So I took it back to my church and plugged it in...
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    what is a good free bluetooth client for pc?

    i bought a bluetooth dogle and it didnt come with any soft ware i tried the microsoft client to conect my bluetooth ear peice so i could use it for yahoo or shype . it will make a conection but it wont use the device as an audio input or output . i had a computer that ran vista and the client...
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    dose the nokia 3110c work in the usa?

    i bought this phone and was told it would but i wasent shure
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    I Want A New Cell Phone?

    i can get any cell phone under $150.00 on MetroPCS, At&T, and mayb T-Mobile. tell me what kind of phone and where to get it from. And tell me why that phone.
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    Where can i get free ringtones for MetroPCS? And don't have to have a credit card.