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  1. T

    Slightly raised ALT (SGPT) levels in liver: Cause for concern?

    First you said "Slightly raised ALT", then you said "those high level enzymes." It would help if I knew what your AST is. Why did you choose to focus on hepatitis C? And from 1987? Interesting. ALT is alanine aminotransferase. It's an enzyme found primarily in liver cells so this test is...
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    Xanax Newbie with Questions?

    Xanax makes you feel more normal, calmer and able to cope. Although Xanax and oxycontin belong to two different classes of drugs, they both act on the central nervous system. You can take both safely as long as the dosages are low. Will the combination knock you out? I can't say. That...
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    i want my best friend to give me oral sex?

    Medical records are useless. If he slept with someone last night with Herpes, you can get it tonight! This sounds like a fixation. Get a hold of yourself.
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    what does my sex dream mean?

    It sounds like you have a fixation. Get a hold of yourself.
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    Fan Cleaning........?

    You got it.. compressed air! Better than canned air is air from an air compressor (gun).
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    i am so sick of chldren taking h1n1 as a joke. this is serious stuff. if you know...

    It's not any more serious than seasonal flu. It's not H1N1, it's not swine flu or swine virus. It's novel H1N1 virus & flu. It's not up to the public to report cases and no one is going to be quarantined. Something like 36,000 people die from seasonal flus each year. Novel H1N1 flu is not...
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    where can i find all the mayan predictions?

    easy 10 points.... i know it's just a calendar blah blah blah and some ppl out there don't believe in the 2012 prediction.... i don't care bout that i just wanna know what the mayans predicted, cuz i'm making a song and i wanna know what they predicted so i can put what they predicted into my...
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    Where are the spark plugs located in a 2002 Ford Escape?

    Trying to replace spark plugs and can't find the area they are in.
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    have you ever met a celebrity?

    Have I ever met a celebrity? Plenty. I went to prep school with kids who had celebrity parents and some of whom were stars in their own right. During and after college, I hung with musicians whose names you'd recognized. They're just people like me. Give the 10 points to someone more deserving.
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    My three year old has a fever, yet she is complaining of feeling cold?

    This sounds right. Your daughter has an infection somewhere in her body and this is the reason for the fever. Chills are caused by rapid muscle contraction and relaxation, and are the body's way of generating heat when it feels that it is cold. Chills also generate heat to raise core...
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    my son,36 passed away suddenly,but before his death complained of stomach

    Sounds like a dissected abdominal aortic aneurysm. Although you haven't asked a question, it's clear to me you need answers. I hope that the findings from the post-mortem give you some peace of mind. No answer can replace your son but at the very least you may know what happened to him. I...
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    Can you pick up HIV from dried blood on a sanitary bin?....?

    No, don't worry. If the questions I see posted here day after day are any indication, there's too much paranoia and not enough knowledge about this virus. You are safe and there's a high probability that you were never remotely exposed to HIV.
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    where are some affordable cars in birmingham?

    maybe in 280 somewhere along that area
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    PETA KITS? When do they come in?

    I signed up for a vegetarian cookbook and a packet from PETA last month. I've been waiting for 5 weeks, does anyone know when they will come in?