Search results

  1. T

    blackberry storm or iphone?

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    blackberry storm or iphone?

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    blackberry storm or iphone?

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    any one need an internet friend?

    Lol well email me if u like
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    recycling question?????????

    sure, i just throw all my stuff in the trash can not even looking at the color of the bin lol
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    Did you hear the new pick up line at gay bars?

    u dropped something, no really u did
  7. T

    who thinks trevor ariza is hot?

    r u black?
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    Would you like to see 9/11 reinvestigated?

    The Popular Mechanics "Debunking 9/11 Myths" was a poorly written article which wasn't even government sponsored. Where is the video of the attack on the Pentagon? Why were videos taken from the surrounding establishments...
  9. T

    Why is there only one video of the attack on the pentagon?

    The Pentagon is the most well-guarded and monitored place in the country, maybe even the world. ONE video is released to the public?