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  1. X

    What pop singer is Taylor Swift rumored to be dating?

    this is for a contest so if anyone can help me it will be great
  2. X

    is there a set date to when netflix is coming to the Xbox 360 (one more question

    in Added details)? I have also heard that microsoft,netflix, and ESPN are hooking up together to stream live sporting events from the 360 is this true? I would like to have an exact date please, not just this fall.
  3. X

    TB shot question?????????

    ok I got my TB shot a few days ago (I do not have TB) and around the spot were the shot was it is all blue. is it normal? if you must know it was Wednesday I got the shot
  4. X

    is the Rock the Vote on the Xbox web site legit?

    because i still need to register to vote and if I can do it this way it will be alot easier
  5. X

    is it safe to delete my profile off my aunt's friend's Xbox 360?

    ok here is the situation I am on vacation at my aunt's house and one of her friends let us us his 360 but tomorrow we are leaving and we want to give it back to him in about the same order that he let us use it in. so here is the question is it safe to delete it off his Xbox 360 and recover it...