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  1. C

    Bird Breeding - How Long is a Season?

    Sorry if this is a silly question... I am looking at getting a certain type of rainbow lorikeet and the breeder has told me it is the start of the season for them and she'll have some weaned birds ready at the end of the season. How long is that? Thanks.
  2. C

    What Species of Parrot is This?

    I took this photo at Jurong Bird Park of two small parrots feeding each other. Here's the photo: What I assume to be the male is green with red on his face and chest(?). He has a blue cheek patch. What I assume to be the female is...
  3. C

    How Should I Categorize Poultry on Wiki Site?

    Hi all, I'm making a wiki site for pet birds, but am having a little trouble on what catergories to make for the galliformes (poultry, fowl). I was going to make different catergories for chickens, quail, waterfowl, and pheasants, but this leaves some problems. What would turkeys go under? Or...
  4. C

    Internet Marketers, Who Do You Model After?

    They say the best way to make money online is to stick to one strategy and model after someone who is successful in that area. So who do you model after and why? As an eBook author, mine is Jimmy D. Brown and Alexis Dawes.