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  1. P

    G3,ak or ar wich is your choice for home defense and recreation?

    g3,ak47 or ar15 wich is your choice for,home defense,receration
  2. P

    SATURN 1999 120,000 mile service?

    i just purchased a1999 saturn s coupe, what is the parts i have to echange on a 120,000 mile service to keep runing nice
  3. P

    Hifonics or Memphis sound car audio amplifier?

    wich amplifiers give you more for your money
  4. P

    torrent problems with Panda antivirus firewall?

    how can i allow torrent downlods with panda antivirus pro 2009 firewall,can some u help me
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    how to allow torrents if a have Threatfire Pro?

    i just install theatfire pro i want to download torrents and keeps blocking them, what can i do
  6. P

    Disaster Movie torrent?

    were can i find a good free torrent site, i cant find disaster movie, ifake only downloads, were can i find a good no bull s,....... downloads
  7. P

    nokia e61 htc cingular 8125 or tmobile sidequick?

    wich of these phones is better