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  1. S

    Can you watch this without laughing?

    I did not laugh. I see nothing funny.
  2. S

    Do you think he will say anything? Do you think he finds me interesting?

    Some guys need a little prodding. Ask him if he likes pizza.
  3. S

    Do you think he will say anything? Do you think he finds me interesting?

    Some guys need a little prodding. Ask him if he likes pizza.
  4. S

    poll: why do girls think this is their world (10 points)?

    You just think it is ruled by men. In some countries maybe it is, but unhappy women can make a lot of men miserable.
  5. S

    50 years after Christ was born...?

    Actually your information is incorrect; the original writings were closer to 50 AD, which would be less than 20 years after the resurrection. Some things could have been written sooner, then compiled at a later time. I could write more accurately about things that happened 30 years ago than I...
  6. S

    Wanna see something funny?

    I didn't see anything funny.
  7. S

    D. Aravah: Do you understand what a person means when they say "Atheist...

    I think it means an atheist is converting to Judaism.
  8. S

    Why do you believe in the Jewish fairy tail called the Holocaust?

    I didn't know a fairy had a tail.
  9. S

    Do you believe in premonitions?

    I have had premonitions, but not frequently.
  10. S

    Which car would you rather have? (Pictures Included)?

    Now, the Nova; better gas mileage. Actually I once had a 73 Nova.
  11. S

    Do you like this car?? (Pictures Included)?

    Yes. 1966 or 67 model?
  12. S

    Is Christianity basically the middle ground of Islam and Judaism?

    No. True Christianity is not a mix of Greek-Roman paganism.
  13. S

    Do you believe that some people from all Religions get " Saved " in one

    Yes, some people from all religions will see the truth and be saved.
  14. S

    People should stop questioning M. Jackson.s personal religion beliefs.. Agree?

    His life is over and there is nothing anyone can do now about his religion. He answers to God as we all do.
  15. S

    Why do christians believe in Christ?

    It amazes me that some educated people want to think there is no God. There are plenty of educated people that do believe in God. Science will never explain the origin of life; how the first living cell came into existence, or why the right ingredients were there. Intelligent scientists...
  16. S

    Why are people so obsessed with celebrities and their lives?

    I'm not interested in their lives.
  17. S

    Atheists, what's your favorite joke about religion?

    I'm not an atheist but I like the one about the three generally recognized religious truths. One is the Jews don't recognize Jesus as their Messiah. Two is that Protestants don't recognize the Pope as their spiritual leader. Three is that Baptists don't recognize each other at the beer joint...