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    iPhone 4 Shows Connected to WiFi, Will not load page?

    I have my iPhone4 connected to WiFi yet, when I open Safari it Comes up with "Safari can not load the page because the server stopped working" I have no idea why this is happening, my other iPhone4 connects just fine to the same WiFi. Any Help?
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    Oral sex or tartar sauce?

    If you had to live without one of these, which would get the boot? BQ: Would you date a person who suggested using the latter to enhance the former?
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    Oral sex or tartar sauce?

    If you had to live without one of these, which would get the boot? BQ: Would you date a person who suggested using the latter to enhance the former?
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    Atheists, how do you explain the prophecies Jesus Christ fulfilled?

    What prophecies? Can you give me absolute PROOF Jesus fulfilled said prophecies?
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    Is using foil to smoke marijuana harmful?

    Educational purposes only? Haha, nice one. And yes, burning foil is actually very unhealthy. Might I suggest using a wrench bolt as the bowl? Works like a charm.
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    white people guess what?

    Judge away at black people, make fun of us, belittle us but remember it may be this at the end of your life you never know all of you are sick sick sick
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    Advice on style, hair clothing etc.?

    the girl in the second pic, have your hair ike that
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    Is it possible for first time rider to ride BMW K1200S or BMW R1200GS or BMW F800ST?

    If No, please state why ( Example, too fast, wont be able to handle, too big, etc. ) I would appreciate if it was from a experienced rider or a BMW rider him/her-self, If you don't think a BMW bike is suitable for first time rider, it would be really helpful if you could recommend me a similar...
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    Is it possible to downgrade the iphone 3G firmware to 1.1.3 to unlock / activate?

    Possible to downgrade from 2.0.2 - 1.1.3, and use ZiPhone to unlock? (iphone 3G)
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    Is it possible to unlock,activate iphone 3G ?

    ( Using free software ) Thanks .
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    Heyy, Just a quick one here on BMW's Motorrad F800ST is it using

    "Automatic changing clutch", OR maual clutch? Haven't got the time to check one out =( ,Hope you guys can help me out here. Thanks.
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    Hi, I was considering on buying BMW bike ( By Motorrad ), Can anyone recommend me... (For first time rider) Other bike manufacturer's would also be ok if you cant find anything with BMW =)