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  1. L

    what internet page should i trust to buy shoes online?

    I would say buy them off eBay, atleast you know there the price sounds right. Or Ring the other shop up and ask whether the shoes are genuine. Hope i helped =)
  2. L

    A.i.m. and internet explorer button?

    Your A.I.M button will needed to downloaded again because you have a new user account. And for the Internet explorer it might be in the recycle bin if not ring your internet company, they will tell you. Good luck xx
  3. L

    I keep getting kicked off of msn messenger and yahoo messenger on my blackberry ?

    Yes, i would say ring your phone company, eg o2, Orange, T-Mobile etc and they will tell you why this has happened. Good luck x
  4. L

    I keep getting kicked off of msn messenger and yahoo messenger on my blackberry ?

    Yes, i would say ring your phone company, eg o2, Orange, T-Mobile etc and they will tell you why this has happened. Good luck x
  5. L

    does having a filling and a jab hurt?

    Hello, The filling will not hurt because you wont fill it at all.. you will be given numbness in your mouth so you wont fill the pain. After the filling is done the numbness will take a few hours to where off. Good luck xx
  6. L

    Im 14, feeling dizzy for a few months&once fainted and now i have the...

    ...doctors tomorrow,please read.? Ok so for the last few months ive been really dizzy and once fainted after having a bath.. and ask this question on yahoo answers.......... Hello, Im a girl aged 14 and for the last few months ive been feeling quite dizzy where things go quite blur but that's...
  7. L

    Do braces hurt? Because i am really scared to get them.?

    Hello, Firstly im 14 and had mine taken off about 2 years ago and had them for about 2 years( you will need to use a special kind of toothbrush, you will need a normal 1 and a special kind of 1. Secondly when you first have them it will take about a week to get used to so you will need to eat...
  8. L

    Can you ride your bike with no handles bars?

    No :) But i can ride with one handle if that counts :) You? x
  9. L

    is the sony ericsson c905 a shitty phone?

    The camera is a 8.1 so that must be good!!!! Also the phone looks good.. but i must admit it looks kind of biggish. Anyway if the phone isn't good when you get it..remember you can always take it back to the shop.. At the moment i have a sony ericsson w580i Hope that helps :) x
  10. L


    USING THE INTERNET? iVE GOT A W580I SONY ERICSSON, IS THERE ANYWAY I CAN GET SONGS ON THERE USING THE INTERNET? As in downloading them i do have a usb cable but thats only for putting pictures onto the computer any ideas? thanks x
  11. L

    Nokia N82 and N95, which is better?

    N95 DEFO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope that helps :) x
  12. L

    what is the meaning of extended routes

    Go to wikipedia .. amazing website