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  1. S

    Why are sci fi monster bullet proof?

    I rememebr reading about the elephant that killed a man long ago and no gun was powerful enough to pierce it's skin so they had to hang it. I'm sure dinosaur with tough scales could shrug off a few bbs. I'm not saying it'll walk away unscathed though.
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    God and prophecy....?

    All prophesies in the bible must come true for one very simple reason: prophesy is the one tool God uses to prove He's the real deal. Since the bible says God sees the beginning from the end, He already knows how the future will unfold. So whatever "changes" man makes through the ages, prophesy...
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    Did Jebus really ride the donkey into Jerusalem to fulfill a prophecy?

    It's more than Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. It's that He fulfilled a prophesy that said He would ride into Jerusalem exactly 483 years after the go ahead was given to build the second Temple. If you read the bible in search of the truth you would respect the Lord's name. Now study...
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    Do you believe all things work for the good to those that are in Christ and...

    It is as you say. The Lord is fair. Anyone is free to reject God's saving grace. They are welcome to take full responsibility for their eternal future. And they will discover at the White Throne Judgment just how foolish they have been.
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    My boyfriend is atheist and i am a strong christian! Help?

    First, pray. Second, act like a Christian. There is nothing else you can do.
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    Judaism says there will be a messiah, why didn't they believe Jesus to be that

    The people of Jesus' day sure accepted Him as their Messiah. It was the Pharisees who demanded a sign from heaven and when none was given refused to accept Jesus. For those, who even today, say Jesus never fulfilled any Old Testament prophesy, the truth is He fulfilled hundreds. Probably the...
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    Question for Bisexual girls?

    It takes passion and a feeling of comfort and trust to really let go. It's more psychological than physical.
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    israel and prophecy ?

    Ezekiel 36:24, 37:21 For I will take you out of the nations; I will gather you from all the countries and bring you back into your own land . This is what the Sovereign LORD says: I will take the Israelites out of the nations where they have gone. I will gather them from all around and bring...
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    Benz BMW audi or toyota?

    Toyota is a car in many class. Small, Medium, Premium Sedan/Saloon/Jeep, Light Truck, Jeep, MPV, Sport, Roadster, Racing and so on. Toyota has thousands of branch in the whole wide world and after sales service are very excellent. Toyota engine doesn't really need extra care like others...
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    Can a Pagan Holiday Be Made Christian?

    Can a piece of paper be made valuable by calling it a dollar? Yes, as long as people accept it as such. Same with Christmas. It's pretty obvious the Christ Child was not born on Christmas day. But it's been accepted as such for some 1700 years. Oh ... and let's not forget Easter. Same thing...
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    Prophecies 2 continued from previous questions.?

    You missed one important prophesy. It's the catalyst to all you mention. Look at Ezekiel 38-39. There you will see that at a time in the not too distant future, Israel will exist in a state of false peace, most likely because she has just wiped Damascus Syria off the face of the earth (Ezekiel...
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    Why isn't Joe's Boss The Licensed Plumber Complaining.?

    Because he's smart enough to own the company. He's the one making the money off Joe's back. Think about it. Let's say the company charges $100 an hour. Joe gets paid $30 an hour including benefits. That's $70 an hour left over for overhead and profit. Joe gets $30 an hour for the work he does...
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    What will happen if Biden's prediction comes true and our Nation is "tested"...

    That is a veiled warning that America WILL be tested. It's all in the plan for the New World Order.
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    Is this internet Magik?

    a mind is a terrible thing to waste
  15. S

    Is this internet Magik?

    a mind is a terrible thing to waste
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    Wizard of Oz Rumor...

    haha me and my friend when we like 13, spent a month investigating this, we concluded that it is not real