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  1. J

    Is it true the Tea Party was just a fashion movement from 2009-2012 trying to

    no, that was the occupy movement continue posing
  2. J

    are all these solar flares making you feel funny?

    it all seems a lot more weird these days
  3. J

    Have The Polish People risen themselves above Joke status in recent Years?

    You dont hear that many jokes about them anymore. Good for you guys. Wow, that sounds kind of racist, but thats not how I mean it. Just an observation.
  4. J

    what are the good things about a fourwheeler?

    really it depends on the terrain and how fast you want to go. I have both, and enjoy that option. 4 wheelers do much better in sand and loose dirt, and deep water and mud. 2 wheelers can navigate better through rocky or narrow sections and can go faster over most terrains, and hillclimb better...
  5. J

    do you know what a homo-necro-beastial-copra-smelcha-philliac is?

    Some one called me that today. I'm sure it isn't true...
  6. J

    Did you ever listen to the OTHER side of Tubular bells?

    Piltdown man is awesome! Sickub Whok Toag Win now
  7. J

    What kitchen gadgets do you use all the time?

    My springy egg beater A grapefruit knife (every day) omelet pan hot dog toaster (has holes for hot dogs and bun holes too. It toasts the hot dogs, and buns, they pop up when done) knives and jelly boards crock pot(s) rotating covered pizza cooker stand alone convection oven waffle stix cooker...
  8. J

    Guys who are interested in dancing.?

    Did Jim Neighbors dance? How about Rock Hudson?
  9. J

    Is Lita Ford your sister-in law?

    or your cousin.... I really ike that "back to the cave" song
  10. J

    nostrodamus fortold New York city being devistated?

    generaly, most people who have attempted to decipher his meaning have thought he meant with a nuclear weapon. I saw the special last night about the after effects from 911, and all the nasty fallout from the buildings and the giant clouds of smoke and dust. Could this be what he forsaw. People...
  11. J

    nostrodamus fortold New York city being devistated?

    generaly, most people who have attempted to decipher his meaning have thought he meant with a nuclear weapon. I saw the special last night about the after effects from 911, and all the nasty fallout from the buildings and the giant clouds of smoke and dust. Could this be what he forsaw. People...
  12. J

    Dude at the gym doesn't understand that I'm dominant over him....?

    you all need to lay off the steroids
  13. J

    Do you save weird photos you find on the internet?

    I have a big album of weird pics I have found here and there
  14. J

    nostrodamus fortold New York city being devistated?

    generaly, most people who have attempted to decipher his meaning have thought he meant with a nuclear weapon. I saw the special last night about the after effects from 911, and all the nasty fallout from the buildings and the giant clouds of smoke and dust. Could this be what he forsaw. People...