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  1. S

    why did helen keller dedicate her book to Alexander Graham Bell?

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    T-Mobile vs. AT&T vs. Verizon vs. Sprint?

    AT&T. That's the one I am using and I am happy with it. I never have problems.
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    how many times does tobacco/nicotine get you high?

    Never. I guess because I smoke everyday.
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    PoLL!!What Are Your Best Three Tips On How To Quit Smoking Cigarettes ?

    I don't know but when you find out tell me. :)
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    Has there Ever Been a Rumour about YOU?

    That's a terrible rumor. None that I know of.
  6. S

    Danneel lying again saying she were at the supernatural con with jensen ackles very

    recently,but she wasn't? Stephanie were there at the supernatural con, at cherry hill,new jersey very recently, but there were absolutely no signs of danneel harris anywhere in sight, the same picture of stephanie ware that's on were the same exact person there at the supernatural...
  7. S

    Is this a sign that i have the flu?

    So I was going to get a flu shot this Wednesday but I guess it's to late maybe? On Sunday my throat started hurting, Monday when i went to school i was very cold, but i was wearing 4 layers of clothing. Later on in the morning my face started getting goosebumps, and i started getting dizzy when...
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    why do some gay guys specially effeminate like to harass straight males?

    I am not gonna say straight guys could do that with gay males.. but I have heard cases of straight guys were bothering in a sexual way by males.. specially in my school.. of languages.. I know some stories for other males..I dont know if those guys were bothered by gay guys.. could be gay for...
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    if a straight guy harass in a sexual way to a gay guy? he could be gay?...

    ...the straight guy? I don't know but I have heard stories of some straight guys like to bother or harass in a sexual way to gay guys. they could be gay or bi?
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    What are the stereotypes for bisexual guys?

    I have heard most of bi guys are manly and they want to find men who are close to women.. I am not sure.. I am gay and I am interested on bi guys suddenly.. I want to meet one in real life.. but I dont know how i can identify one.. when they are so hiding. specially in my small town in mex I...
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    what's spirituality and religion? what are the difference between both things?...

    ...if there is one? I considere myself spiritual. I think any religion is right.. they have their own method to reach God or the Supreme Being. as well to reach the perfection.. if we want to be better persons.
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    jewish folks is this prophecy is talking about the messiah?

    daniel 9:20-27.. I am not sure why my christian bible says the messiah or prince? who was that person? is talking about the real messiah? I am catholic and I believe the Hebrew Bible is better.. you know better the prophecies about messiah etc.. thanks/shalom
  13. S

    if someone has desires about being with the same gender? he or she will be

    considered gay or bi? for e.g if someone who is straight but he or she has desires for being with the same gender.. when he or she has the opportunity with the same gender.. but after that he or she didn't like that thing.. he or she said he or she will never try again that.. before that he or...
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    is that true many gays feel anxiety or depression for being gay?

    I am gay and I am suffering anxiety and more when the topic comes. even I am alone on this road.. I am single in a small city in mexico.. I know some gays have a very high stem.. even they can take the hands of another guy or to give a discreet kiss.. I am afraid.. many people always judge you...
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    how can improve my english through internet?

    my speaking,grammar,vocabulary etc.. you know.. I am mexican and I LIVE in mexico.. I want to learn english very good.. I know english maybe it sounds correct or Ok..but I want to improve more and more.. to be able to produce long texts.. I am a student for being an english teacher. an ESLT.. In...
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    parents would you accept your son or daughter as gay or bi or transsexual?

    I am a son and I am a gay.. my mom doesn't accept me very well.. I know it's hard for a parent.. because nobody wants something like that or expects that kind of children? would you accept him or her? and why? THANKS for answering.
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    when jesus said I am the only path to the father? was he referring only to...

    ...his apostles not to the future chri christians? never moses said he was the only path to GOD... even during the solomon temple.. there were people who worship the God of israel without being jew... pagans or not.. they woshirp the God of Israel so why do christians say Jesus is the only path...
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    Are there bi married men and women? how do you live your sexuality?

    I know some bi men and women are married with the opposite sex.. I dont know why.. but how do you live with your desires with your gender? do you tell your husband or wife that you are bi and you need something with a person of you own gender? are you still confused? or you are totally sure you...
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    People from australia? I would like names of gay and bis very famous from

    australia? but not stereotype? I heard aussies are more tolerant and they have many gays and bis men actors and singers etc.. well I know this because I have read.. that's the case of savage garden singer.. please help me out