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  1. D

    When Obama says "Common sense tax hikes" what does he mean?

    He means he is going to raise your taxes in an unreasonable way and then say that anyone who complains lacks common sense. It's like telling a lie and naming it "The Truth" so no one dare argue with it.
  2. D

    If I had no religion and I got in trouble for doing whatever I wanted to could I sue?

    Sue whom? In any event, freedom of religion allows crackpots to believe whatever they will believe, but it does not allow them to act on those beliefs if they are in violation of the law. For example, you are welcome to believe that it is necessary to kill babies, but you are not free to act...
  3. D

    Want to hear a pizza joke?

    I ordered a pizza and the guy behind the counter said, "do you want that cut into 6 pieces or 8?" I told him, "You'd better cut it into 6, I don't think I could eat 8 pieces of pizza".
  4. D

    Atheist's opinion on the 2012 'prophecy'?

    Someone I have never met, from a culture that is not my own, made a prediction that I have not read, but have heard has been widely misinterpreted to mean something fundamentally different from what he intended, with a philosophy which was based in primitive superstition, and you ask what I...
  5. D

    What is an ancient Egyptian artifact that has something to do with trade or economy?

    In 1897, in an obscure Egyptian city, Oxyrhynchus, a collection of ancient Egyptian letters, mainly of business communications, were uncovered. The discovery created a revolution in modern thinking about business communication theory and epistolographic history. Egyptian writing was a...
  6. D

    Did the Coast Guard screw up the search for the guys on the boat?

    Do you know why their boat capsized? Because a huge storm came up. It was still raining pretty hard when the started searching. Have you ever tried to do search and rescue operations on open seas? You have to happen to look at the right spot at the right time (considering waves and all - at...
  7. D

    i made an html file in notepad but why i cant open it in Internet explorer?

    For starters, you need to end the TITLE tag. Secondly, perhaps it would be beneficial to add something, anything, to the file (something in the body and/or title). so that you know it actually loaded.
  8. D

    Do all fat free milk have same nutrition value? and what milk to drink?

    Whole milk is 4% milk fat, which is really for kids 3-4 and under (they need this for brain development). When they skim about half the cream off the top, you are left with 2% milk. Most people prefer this due to taste. "Skim" or fat free (i.e. 0% milk) is where they skim all the cream off...
  9. D

    Where Can I Get Simple Mircosoft Powerpoint Download For Free? - Open Office has presentation software that can read and write PowerPoint format. It is totally free.
  10. D

    Which would be the right photoshop for me? - Gimp is 100% free and is pretty comparable to Photoshop.
  11. D

    Recorded dvds, not playing on other machines?

    Are the DVDs DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW, DVD+RW, DVD-RAM, etc.? These are all different, incompatible, formats (essentially they use a different color of laser light). Some DVD players and/or recorders have multiple lasers and thus can support multiple formats. Some cannot. Older DVD players only...
  12. D

    would you please answer this short survey?!?

    Male. 42 years old. Christian Protestant (I belong to a small denomination - Emmanuel Fellowship, which is loosely affiliated with Baptist). United States of America. Genetically modified food should be legal. At one time hybrids came under the same suspect and scrutiny, but they have been...
  13. D

    Why do I get disconnected from the internet so often?

    Look on your router's vendor's web site to see if there are any updates for your router's software. Sounds like that is flakey.
  14. D

    is there any way to make history undeletable in internet explorer in windows vista?

    No. If you can write to the history (to add to it) then you can overwrite it. Your best bet is to see if your router and/or cable modem can be setup to make a log of what traffic is going through it.
  15. D

    A girl I know is in a weird religion that doesn't allow her to be with her dad on...

    From your brief description and what I know, and a quick google to make sure. I'm pretty sure that she's Muslim. Maybe a branch that is stricter than others. Many Islamic countries have a segregation of women and men. It could be that she's not afraid, more that she's uncomfortable not being...
  16. D

    If my mountain bike has police decals on it, am I impersonating an officer?

    No. There is a guy in my town who sells equipment for police cars. He has a demostrator car, which he drives around and demonstrates to police departments. The state has tried to press impersonating an officer type charges, but they don't stick because he's not wearing a police uniform, and...
  17. D

    Slavery, and Lincoln facing towards the right on the penny while all the rest...

    Lincoln's face was very asymetrical. I think he may have even had a scar on the right side of his face, which probably has more to do with why he is facing that way. You apparently are smart enough to abhor slavery, biggotry, racism, etc. That's why you can't see why anyone would say this...