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  1. T

    Why do people always say "no homo"?

    because Lil Wayne is an idiot
  2. T

    what kind of gay guys or lesbian girls are attractive too...

    I like really muscular guys. I find the stereotypical gay guy who works out a lot, wears tight Abercrombie and Fitch shirts and jeans with sandals, and cares a lot about how he looks REALLY sexy.. It's not limited to that though. I don't really dislike any type of guy. Arrogance and...
  3. T

    How are gay people married?

    The same way anyone else is But instead of driving a car with coffee cans tied to it after the ceremony, we rent the Weinermobile from Oscar Meyer
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    is there any celebrities who you find really, really REALLY annoying?

    is there any celebrities who you find really, really REALLY annoying? it can be anyone-if they're really famous, or B and C Lister's... (for those who don't know, B and C list celebrities are people who are known, but don't really matter-Ex: Heidi Montag, Optimum, Jennifer Love Hewitt...
  5. T

    Which male celebrities would look good in women's panties, and why?

    Zac Efron-he's hot, but his butt (and body frame) are Feminine, in my opinion-I wouldn't want to see him in women's underwear, but he has the body for them..
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    Im a 13 year old lesbian and i really like this girl but i dont know her

    The only way you can find out her sexuality is by asking her....there is no way to tell just by looking...
  7. T

    Im a 13 year old lesbian and i really like this girl but i dont know her

    The only way you can find out her sexuality is by asking her....there is no way to tell just by looking...
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    Can someone help me out need makeup tips and fashion advice for my male friend

    give him some paint thinner and tell him to rub it in his eyes and to jam a corkscrew in his urethra Technicolor Rain-Sponsored By Queers. Corp-Formerly Queers. Inc
  9. T

    Strange iphone question...(read on)

    A Blackberry Data plan won't work on an iPhone, so the only thing you would be able to do on the iPhone is call people. also, I'm pretty sure that AT&T can detect that and they would cut off the SIM card and terminate your account..
  10. T

    Why am I constantly hungry all of a sudden?!?!

    Okay, for several days now, I have been really really hungry.. I eat, and then like 20 minutes later, I'm hungry again! I've woken up in the middle of the night every day this week and was STARVING! I just had a Turkey Sandwich for breakfast (nobody was up and I can't cook) less then 15 minutes...
  11. T

    do you think fake bisexuals will ever regret following the fake bisexual trend?

    um. YES.... Seriously, give it like 3 more months (or less!) and "omg I just realized I'm not really bi!".."omg fags are gross"...
  12. T

    What other equipment should I have other then dumbbells and a stationary bike?

    I have finally decided to start and work out ..not to lose weight (I'm not fat), but basicallly to try and get decently defined muscles..but I am not sure what other equipment to buy.. I CAN AFFORD please don't tell me not to because it's a waste of money or because I might not use...
  13. T

    Hiding/Lying about your sexuality for a job/your career: Yay or Nay?

    What do you think about people lying about or hiding their sexuality to get a job or for their career? What about lying about it or hiding it for other reasons? I am currently Neutral on it, because I haven't made up my mind... Explain why, please
  14. T

    are there other sexualities other then Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual?

    I can't believe this question hasn't been asked before! are there other sexualities other then Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual? is there others? (I'm gay, btw)