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    ????????super-bowl predictions????????????????????

    saints&colts saints go 19-0
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    Any opinions on Scitec Nutrition in Kissimmee, FL?

    I have just come back to the States and am looking for Scitec Sci-Pro Whey protein because it is the best protein I have tried and it seems everywhere is out of it. Did they go out of business or is something else afoot?
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    Any ideas for my next article?

    Our school newspaper is publishing an April Fools issue and I need a good idea for a prank article. Any good ideas? Thanks.
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    which celeb has the best hair?

    Scarlett Johansson or Taylor Swift!
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    what are your favorite monster truck/drivers?

    i love anything monster truck and my favorites are dennis anderson/grave digger and george balhan/escalade. what are your favorites and why?
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    Does anyone know the song at the end of Fired Up! ?

    It plays during the credits as like a spoof...its the song Shawnzee sings on the was an outtake?
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    Brother and sisters sharing a bedroom what age can i argue with the council

    they need separating? Myself and my partner have a 3 bedroom house and 4 children of our own and my partners brother has lived with us since he was 13.We have decided that the 17 year needed his own bedroom so we have moved our 7 and a half year old son into a room with his sisters who are 6,5...
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    Nutrition lost when storing breast milk in room temperature vs. fridge vs. freezer?

    I think the nutrients stay pretty similar in each storage situation. The way nutrition is lost, from what I've heard, is if you warm expressed breast milk in the microwave.
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    I am 16 years old and...?

    I'm 16 years old and i'm thinking seriously about moving out of my house with my parents in Devon to live up in Swindon with my boyfriend...i have been with my boyfriend for about 4 years now so it is serious... I'm just wondering if people think this is possible for me to do this, i am gunna...
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    a dog that doesn't shed cause my sister has allergies, anyone know a big dog?

    For the most part if you cross a poodle with another breed the poodle hair (which doesn't shed) will be dominant in the mixture. You can get great dogs that way but do your research about personality traits.
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    when do puppies loose there baby teeth?

    Approximately 4-5 months of age. You should start to teach her now not to mouth you. When she bites you anywhere on your body give a loud & sharp yip then stand up and cross your arms and turn your back on her for 5 - 10 seconds. If you do this consistently, she will get the message that you...
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    My dog has diarrhoea?

    Could simply be from the heat; but who knows for sure. Boil some hamburger and add rice it works as a binder. Give her this until the diarrhea goes away.
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    10 year old Golden Retriever losing weight?

    My 10 year old Golden is losing weight (normal weight is 185 and he is 172). I seem to have to push my vet to get things done. Can anyone tell me what tests should be done, i.e. thyroid?
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    Name a celebrity I can dress up as for a party ?

    I'm going 2 a dress up party were u have 2 dress up as a celebrity. Can you please help me decide who I can go as. (I'm a blonde girl if that helps?)
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    are there other sexualities other then Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual?

    Heterosexual comes to mind.
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    .avi movies onto a DVD???

    The easiest way is to find a dvd player that will play the avi format. Most newer dvd players are capable of playing the avi format. Burn one of your movies onto a dvd and take it to the store with you, pop it into players till you find one that will play it. I have a Samsung DVD-1080P7 and it...