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  1. D

    Whenever I send a picture or video text from Verizon phone it shows up as an

    I would suggest that both of you call customer service and ask. If they blame each other, call again and ask for a supervisor if you have to. They can fix this. We can't help you much. DKY
  2. D

    Whenever I send a picture or video text from Verizon phone it shows up as an

    I would suggest that both of you call customer service and ask. If they blame each other, call again and ask for a supervisor if you have to. They can fix this. We can't help you much. DKY
  3. D

    Whenever I send a picture or video text from Verizon phone it shows up as an

    I would suggest that both of you call customer service and ask. If they blame each other, call again and ask for a supervisor if you have to. They can fix this. We can't help you much. DKY
  4. D

    Is there any way to jailbreak or unlock a motorokr? ?

    If it's been 90 days since you got the phone, then call customer service and ask for the unlock code. That's if it's a GSM provider. DKY
  5. D

    Micro SD card and LG Rumor?

    You just copy the music source to the card. I don't know where you're trying to transfer it from so I can't give you directions. DKY
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    how can i get these games on htc touch?

    Visit the link below. It's a community about windows mobile phones so I would recommend asking there since they do a lot hacking and modifying for windows phones. DKY
  7. D

    rogers pay as u go plan?

    That's strange. Call customer service and ask them for the reason. They should have the status on when you used it and how much it would take off your account. DKY
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    att prepaid question?

    You pay for the service before using the service. Once you use up all of the money, just refill your account. If you want the unlimited texting plan, go with the "pick your plan" service, not "pay as you go" service. DKY
  9. D

    Can I put the sim card from my rogers plan phone into a new pay as you go phone

    Nope. If the phone uses SIM cards, then that's all you need. Your plan is connected to the SIM card, not the phone. DKY
  10. D

    Sony Ericsson w580i or the Motorola rizr z3?

    The rizr is a bit narrower, but the Sony Ericsson is more customizable once you debrand it. Google it if you don't know what I'm talking about. Also, Sony Ericsson would be much preferred over the Motorola. Ask a lot of people that know about phones and they'll give you that answer. DKY
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    how to get free tmobile prepaid minutes? another prepaid phone that has some free minutes with it. There are promotions that do that. Any other way? Nope, if so, they are very rare. You can check out howardforums and see if there is a way right now. DKY
  12. D

    Can an unlocked iPhone on the T-mobile network do everything?

    You will not be able to use visual voicemail or 3G. Maybe GPS too, but I doubt it. All you need is an internet connection. Btw, the WIFI will work. I don't know what the other person is talking about. Not everyone that works for a major provider knows what they're talking about. Unless there...
  13. D

    MotoZINE from Tmobile has WIFI?

    The wifi connection is like the wifi on a laptop. There is no restriction so you should have no problems using it to browse the web. If you still have doubts, ask a salesperson for a live demo and play with it. DKY
  14. D

    Best T-mobile Phone Out There?

    I would also recommend the G1, I have one myself, but you would have to have an internet plan with it. So might as well put Blackberry in one of your choices if you wanna go that route. That's about it if you want good texting. Sidekick is the best in that department, and then there are the...
  15. D

    Best T-mobile Phone Out There?

    I would also recommend the G1, I have one myself, but you would have to have an internet plan with it. So might as well put Blackberry in one of your choices if you wanna go that route. That's about it if you want good texting. Sidekick is the best in that department, and then there are the...
  16. D

    Cost per minute for internet on cell phone?

    You are going to have one hell of a bill if you don't have a data plan. At&t charges $0.0195 for each kilobyte used. So if you use it for 2.5 hours, then this is going to be one lesson that you will never forget. DKY
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    what do you think i should do - verizon?

    It depends how small you are willing to pay for, but 2 free phones from what you listed? No way they will do that. I seriously doubt they will give you those phones for free. But it all depends on the salesman/woman you get. Most likely no. As for the smartphone question, most carriers allow you...
  18. D

    My iPhone is broken. The screen won't work but all the other functions work?

    WTH? The above person makes no sense. Fix your grammar and maybe someone can understand what you're trying to say. Don't even bother charging your phone when bringing it in. They would have to take the battery out in order to fix it. If anyone tries to fix an electronic while it's on, that...
  19. D

    Best coverage? Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, or Sprint?

    First of all, I hope you don't listen to the answer above me, seriously. Don't always believe in ads. Since I have never been to Philly, I don't know. You should go to each of the carrier's website and look up for the coverage in your area. Determine which carriers have great coverage where you...
  20. D

    are there any upcoming tmobile phones?

    The Gravity and that's about it as of now. No rumors or official info about another phone. DKY