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    What Has Happened To This Country? Why Are The Police Writing To Rail Staff

    Its only asking them to report any public disorder, and giving the correct number to phone.
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    What Has Happened To This Country? Why Are The Police Writing To Rail Staff

    Its only asking them to report any public disorder, and giving the correct number to phone.
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    Do you think someone should be put on the sex offenders register for putting

    No, she shouldn't be criminalised, but helped, she is obviously a vulnerable girl, she needs some intervention, but privately.
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    Current Eventers......Do you find the Smug Board therapuetic?

    I couldn't believe it when I went to post my wonderfully insightfull comment and it had been deleted just then! PMSL but I felt lonely! Was having a nice little chat with you all, and now I'm not.....
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    Could Beavers Thrive In England?

    Ah this old chestnut. We just need dave s to explain in detail his beaver preferences, and all the old men of CE are titilated :)
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    if celebs are so annoying with their desire for media coverage?

    Victoria is just soooo last year Shady.
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    Do you think you could cheat a lie detector?

    Are you a good fibber?
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    Do you think you will ever win the lotto jackpot?

    I am convinced I will one day ~ it keeps me going that thought does.
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    Why is it that trolls cant spell?

    Did they all go to the same borstal where they were only taught to climb the perimeter wall? Seriously, are trolls that thick that regs cant spot 'em? Or are they playas? TROLLS ~ No punctuation missing. Loser. If thetroll owns it then there would be an apostrophe, the plural of troll does not...
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    Currently is anyone else?

    *CRIES* Yes I am!! Even the calves are missing him now. I'm getting onto the Calf Support Agency first thing Monday. How dare he go awol without telling me.
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    If you could turn back time, what age would you like to be again?

    Ariana 27 was a good age. I'm 38 now feeling a bit old :(
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    My Tesco toilets have been taped off by Police...?

    I don't yet know what has happened, although I am suspecting a rape to be honest. My question is do you let your little ones go alone while you shop. I'm ashamed to say I have ~ I won't now.
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    long term 'job seekers'?

    You're a right double act you two aren't you? Nice....
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    Should Borat Sagdiyev run for US President?

    No, he's so last year. Plus he's an unfunny dick head.
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    Who felt sad waving the kids off to school this morning?

    After the hols? I was looking forward to today, but when it came I felt a little pang of sorrow ;)
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    who are the disgusting 10 of current events?

    Its 1 shady 2 THC 3 Filya 4 Proper gander 5 Dave Bulge 6 Scotch mist 7 Kev 8 Dave s 9 Michael 10 WW3 (lol) Kat ~ thats like saying we can't remember Ian Curtis, Jim Morrison, Sid Vicous et al, lol.
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    Another tragic accident involving a child, how will this girl feel in the future? 18 month old critically injured after being shot by his 5 year old sister. How will this girl feel when she realises what she did? Its so sad.
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    When Is A Clique Not A Clique?

    When everyone who is jealous is included.
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    What posessed Gail Porter to do this photo shoot? There is NO illness that necessitates such glasses, and the awful grin! I like her, and admire her spirit too, just question if that was the best idea for her career? Might have killed it, after all...